Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs 33. (1980)

LIANG, Hsi-Huey: International Cooperation of Political Police in Europe, 1815–1914. An Essay Based on Some Austrian Archival Sources

International Cooperation of Political Police 217 1923, did not imply the relinquishment of a hope formulated in 1955 by A. J. Forrest: “At some future ‘golden age’, no doubt, political crimes will be dealt with on a world scale, but before such an accomplishment, a world system of justice must prevail, with every national government ... subservient to its authority”86). 86) IKPK Die internationale Zusammenarbeit auf kriminalpolizeilichem Gebiet (Wien 1934) 14; and A. J. Forrest Interpol (London 1955) 21. An interesting footnote to the ICPC’s political troubles during the Nazi period is Jürgen Jeschke Interpol zwischen 1933 und 1945 in Kriminalistik 3 (März 1971) 118-119. I am indebted for this reference to Ministerialrat Dr. Ernst Erben in Vienna. The name Interpol was adapted at a Generalversammlung of the IKPK in Vienna in 1956. See Ernst Erben Internationale Verbrechensbekämpfung in öffentliche Sicherheit 48/3 (März 1978) pp. 5—11.

