Menora Egyenlőség, 1974. január-június (13. évfolyam, 493-517. szám)

1974-01-12 / 493. szám

x 1974. január 12. * MENÓRA 9. oldal MíNORA 695-4456 NEW YORK OFFICE 350 Fitih Avenue Empire Stote Building New York. N Y. 10001 NORTH PALM BKACrf. FLA. Old Fort Cove—Lovely turn. Bdrms, 2 baths, terrace, apt. overlooks Lake Worth. Marina, tennis, pool, grolf, beach 5 min. easy shopping and din­ing:. Rental available 1-0 mo. or longer. (212 ) 680-4033 or (014) 631- 2214 after 6. (x) FOR SALEi established clothing: re-' tail business located on main dra« of rapidly grrowine Burlington, Ver­mont. For information cali or write: Everything: In General, 0 Mechanics Lane, Burlington, Vermont 05401. Phone I (802 ) 882-4424 (y' FOREST HILLS — Women's dresses & gowns, prime location, other business possibility, must sacrifice. BO 3-7333. (x) BEAUTIFUL 2 BEDROOM HOUSE - Ex­cellent buy for doctor or dentist! S room office suite on ground level. Com­pletely equipped. Available to 3 bus lines — one passes by door. Excellent location In residential area. Retiring due to Ill­ness. Call owner (914) YO 5-0742 or write JM 115, Rm 915, 350 Fifth Ave, N.Y.C. 10001. (95 CARPENTERY — Dormers, Additions, Finished Basements, and Complete Home Remodeling. New Homes. Also Recom­mendations. Call (2oD 796-4359. (96) TRY US FIRST—Well do the clean ups. RESIDENTIAL: Yards, attics, basements, etc. COMMERCIAL; Industrial, debris, business renovations, construction sites, etc. (201) 935-6269 — (201) 947-4953. (96) OIL STORAGE FOR RENT OR SALE Barge and Ship Facilities. Call (215 521-2500 (93) FRANCO'S — Light Moving Pickups & Deliveries. Attics, Basements Si Yard Cleaning. Reasonable. Estimates given. Call Frank anytime: (20D 384-1745. (96) NEW SMYRNA BEACH, on beach, new lux. condo.; magnificent vu., balcony, 3 bdrm., 3 bth., sips. 6-8. Pools, saunas, rec. rm:, penthouse lounge; near Disney­land. Wkly., mthly. rates. A. J. Botttng, M. D., 54 Davison Ln. E., West Isllp, N. Y. 11795. (516) 661-0105. (x) retire ln heaven; — DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA. New Ocean Front. Two bedroom, 2 baths, 16th floor. Lux­ury Condominium, $47,500. Call owner, (413) 786-3118. (96) FOR SALE—Upstate N.Y.— Over a lake, North Shore, Yr. round business. Boat livery, bait 8i tackle. Gas station, near beach 8t camp area, 4 cottages. Ideal for restaurant or motel. Will hold mort­gage, for 25% down. Call owner: 1-315-668-7851. (x) N.J. REST HOME SITE— Nr. Washington. 4 acres, view, percolation OK. State ap­proved for Rest Home, $20,000. Robert Monsul, M.D., 301 N. Main St. Manvllle, N.J. 08835. (201) 722-2992. (x) POCONOS — Hickory Hills, Lake, Pool, 15 min to Ski Areas, 75x150, Below mkt. $3600. Call (201) 546-9518. (x) REAL ESTATE/NEW JERSEY Oceanfront to Bayfront 1340 x125' front­age. Will divide into 563' bayfront pro­perty depth, & 765' oceanfront depth. These also dtvtdable Into huge lots. Lrg. home 300' from ocean side property line, on pilings, huge rms., sips. 11 comfortably. $400,000. terms. J.Michael Fiorello, M.D., 4610 No. Federal Hwy, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33308.(305)781- 2103. (95 MARKETABLE PRODUCT Complete program including Issued patents, product samples, Injection molds and ink tracings to produce pop-up cassette carrier storage case. Desire to move entire pro­gram to interested party. Contact BJ. Cylke, Rte _#1, Box 1BJ. Cylke. Rte #1, Box 28», Bill- Jay, Ga. 30646, Phono 404-6*8-7481. No calls please Friday sunset thru Saturday sunset (95) CHILDREN'S WEAR k TOY STORE — low rent, long lease, excellent location in Forest HUls, Queens. Call (212) 564-1888 days; (212) 526-3260 evenings. (x) BURROUGHS "F9500" Billing machine: 18 register totals, xlnt. capacity for 1-9 physicians; 2 yrs. old; cost new $6600, will sacrifice $3500 & shipping. William G. Gothorpe, Adm., Amherst Medical Associates, Amherst, MA 01002. (413) 256-8561. (x) GRENADA, WEST INDIES; Romantic, se­cluded villa, overlooking Caribbean. Pvt. swimming, snorkeling, beaches walking distance, sailing, fishing, golf, tennis, 2 well-appointed bdrm. & bths, huge cathedral Uvlngrm. & terraces. On pvt. peninsula. Cook, maid own quarters. English mgr. service. Open for Mar. 3 thru Mar 22 $ 375/wk; after Apr 1: $ 275/wk. Dr. Luther M. Strayer, Box 366, Lancaster, NH 03 584. (802) 676- 3999. (x) WATERBURY CENTER, VERMONT — Ski House to rent or swap. Electric heat. Kitchen, w/w. 3 bdrm, sleeps 8. Bring towel & sleeping bags. Near Stowe, Vt., $150/wk, $25/night. Available Jan.6 thru Jan. 18th — Feb. 19 thru Feb. 28th. Any time ln March except 7th thru 12th. Summer rates reduced. Dr. Russel Doyle, 215 E. Mt. Vernon St., Oxford, Pa.19363 Ph.: (215 932-2888. (x) PHOTOCOPIES!! OFFSET PRINTING WHILE YOU WAIT. Legal Documents, Valuable Papers. Come to THRIFTY COPY CENTER . 2 East 45th St., N.Y.C. (212) 490-2808 (x) ATT'N FUND RAISERS - For Sale to Settle Estate. Israeli Shekel —Year 2. Examination by Appointment Only. Write PRINCE AND PRINCE, 933 North Char­lotte Street, Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19046. (94) ' WINDHAM-Vermont Frame house, red aluminum siding - 400' Road fronting — almost 1/ 2 acre - Aun­­dant spring water - Oil - Hot air heat full stone cellar - septic tank - 3 bdrm J. - small office - 1 bath, CPTO Mud room - Modern kltch. - 22 counter space-double oven stove - Ig. luc room - big fplce - Dining area - 2 out bldgs - one as summer guest house - Mountain brook bordenlng property - 18 ml from Stratton-9 ml Magic Mt. Roof - asphalt shingle on well main­tained (to scene Hamilton Falls). Newly purchased furnishings $1000 (as is) Call owner 413-566-8975 (25 ChapinRd.Hamp­den, Mass. 0136. (93) PUTNAM COUNTY, MAHOPAC, N.Y. — 3 one-half acre parcels with water and septic approval — New road. Call own­er, Costa, (914) OW 9-8620. (95 LADIES & JUNIORS retail outlet. High volume outlet, major hwy loc-Monmouth County. Asking $825,000 w/29 pet down. Liberal terms on bal. Selling for value of real estate & fixtures. Unbelievable buy-a real moneymaker. Lt mfg permitted. Bus­iness alone without real estate $350,000. MENS Si BOYS retail store—Major shop­­lng center—Ocean County. Asking $300, 000. Cash down $150,000. Balance terms. Blue Ribbon Realty Business Bkrs, 1520 Highway 37 E, Toms River, N.J. (20D 244-7800 ask for Ron Sudalter sales mgr, eves (201) 341-0338. (x). LUNCHEONETTE & STATIONERY Store for sale. Reasonable. Park Slopesec. Bklyn. Call 212-788-9170. (93, PODIATRY PRACTICE. Must sell,rea­sonable. Wall St. area. Estab. 1935. 212 - BO 9-0070. (93) MT. SNOW AREA - Fabulous ski chalet, shag crpfg, luxury appllences, stone fplc. sleeps 9. 1950. Also - coay ski apt. w/w crptg. stone pile, sleeps 7. $1200. (Both 5 miles from Mt. Snow Si Haystack) 201 - 852-2480 , 802 - 464-5787. (93) $22.28 WEEKEND Includ.« lodqlno, mails. Sun. thru Thur. nitas EP. $5, MAP $4.SO. Group ratal, lotion office 322-4444, Tal; 403-3*3-4311. IRON MOUNTAIN HOUSE BOX 2 Jackson, N.H. 03846 (93): SADDLE RIVER - Contemporary home on 4 acres. 2 fireplaces, 5 bedrooms. 15 year mortgage available. Asklng$149,000. Call owner 201 - 327-2147. (93) SEA ISLE CITY - New spacious town­­house duplex, 1 blk. from beach, each unit - 3 bdrms. lge. kit. Is dining area, 2 bths. heated for year round rental, patio doors & private deck. Pre-Season sale, sound Investment. $54,500. For appointment call 609 - 858 - 4753. (93) HUNTER AREA - 6 mo to Hunter, 1 yr. old, 2 fam. chalet. 3 BRs, bath, kit, din­­llv rm, fpl each fir. Comp furn'd, beauti­ful view, excel Income prop. High 40--S. 201 -843 - 3123days; 201-471 -4022 eves. (93) LOOK with your understanding; Find out what you alreadt know. And you'll see the way...* THE JOHNATHAN LIVINGSTON SEA­GULL New School, Inc. We are seeking a select number of students, ages 12 through 18, to gain a small group approach to alternative education. Please write: The Jonathan Livingston Seagull New School, P.O. Box 865 Wilmington, Vermont 05363 (93) HIGHLAND BLVD 200,000 aq. ft. best loc. for hotel, motel, restaurant. $4.50 sq.ft. 212-448-4654. (95 3 MOBIL HOME Pks, AIRPORT 1 park situated on scenic Oswego Rvr. ln Central N.Y. Sales lot li sve center gross over $60,000. 2 other parks ln country setting with over 200 acres, air­port li hangar Incl. 315-593—1317. (94) 5th AVE NYC (Ul-Brevoort) Charming 3 1/2 rm. Co-op. Totally new kitchen. Large walk-ln closet. Enlarged new ele­gant bathroom with all gold fixtures. Dropped celling with recessed lighting ln dining area. $ 35,000. Malnt $286. (212) 674-3836 (94) IDEAL FOR DUDE RANCH! Galway, N.Y. 9 room house. 5 bedrooms! - Interest­ing Investment possibilities-or for devel­opment. - Needs repair. 78acres.$78,500 Call owner (518) 882-6428 (94) PARIS FASHION MANUFACTURER of High fashion ladles clothes Is ready with exciting new fashions for Fall. Save up to 50% on your wardrobe by buying direct. $220 coats for $110. Biggest selection ever PARIS FASHION, 270 West 38th Street, 17th Floor. Open Saturday k Sunday, 10-3. Weekdays - Call for appt. 212-279-6019; 279-6132. Special Sale, If you bring in this ad you can take an additional 10% off our already discounted prices. (93) WANTED STEEL RODS , Plain round, hot roll, M-100821030. Size* 19/32, 5/8, 21/32, 23/32, or 3/4 inch. Four to forty foot length*. Ten to 300 ton* needed. 14 4 a lb. Minute Man Anchors, Inc. 305 W. Walker St. E. Flat Rock, N.C. 28726 Phone (704) 692-0256 LARCHMONT PROF. HLDG. DELUXE OFFICE 1100 sq. ft. individual attn. all ex­tra« owner tenant. (914 ) 834-2356 (98) SOUS CHEF —SAUCIER CHEF -FRENCH TRAINED COOKS Come to the land of pleasant living. Work in a beautiful old country estate home which has been converted to a French restaurant. Many and excellent benefits & comfortable working en­vironment. Opportunity to become Chef within 1 to 2 months in a growing & expanding business. Send resume now to Papillon Ltd. 8880 Frederick Rd., Ellicott City, Mary­land 21043, (95) WEST CALDWELL 61,000 SQ. FT. NEAR COMPLETION­­WILL DIVIDE 1-story; air cond. offices to suit; 4 truck docks; 20 ft. clear celling; sprinklered; all utilities. 60-day occupancy. 5 MINUTES TO ROUTE 80 30 MINUTES TO N.Y. ROYAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPERS (201) 666-8888 (x> SO. FLORIDA APTS—STORES AND SHOPPING CENTERS 50 Apts. — All Rented 16 Waterfront Apts. 200 Apts. — All Rented ALSO 400,000 s.f. Center 300,000 s. f. are AAA ALSO 32 New Stores — 16 Apts. Perfect for 1st User PLUS MANY, MANY OTHERS Call Mr. Steele ALSO MOBILE PARKS Over 40 Spaces — 2 Pools, Rec. Hall, Tennis AND 150 Spaces Waterfront AND 300 Spaces — Fully Rented Best in South Florida Call Mr. or Mrs. Carroll ALSO BUILDERS SITES Approved sites with sewer & water. Ready to go. 24 acres Waterfront— A 107 unit site — A 45 unit site — an 800 unit & 3000 unit site—"all sizes in between." Call Mr. Frost ALSO ACREAGE -AND OTHERS 200 acres approved PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT for over 1000 units Sell,exchange or joint ventute.PLUS other land for Builders and Invest­ors. Including Ranches, Grove,Apts, sites. Golf Courses, Thousands of Home-sites, Ocean-frontage, etc. Call Mr. Bond FOR ANY OF THESE OR FOR ANYTHING IN FLORIDA REAL ESTATE (305) 947-3566 or (305) 945-3456 GENE SNYDER, REALTORS 229 Sunny Isles Blvd. Miami Beach, Fla. 33160 (x) Wholesale food distributorship available. Located in Vermpnts fast­est growing; area and grossing; over one million per annum. Current owner will remain if desired. Well established in area and have long; term lease on warehouse. $590,000. Contact: William T. Lyons, M*r. CA1, hang Associates. lac.. Nancy E. Lang;, Realtor, 507 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, Vt. 05401 (802) 864-0541 -----(94) SANDS POINT, L.I. APPROXIMATELY 13 BEAUTI­FUL AND NATURAL acres in­cluding 500 ft. beach front on Long Island Sound. With pano­rama view. At leaBt 2 butldable sites. $215.000 Cash. 516-D44-8138 evenings. (93) STUART—GOLF COURSE Mediterranean style home 2 yeare old on excluelve private champlon­­ahtp golf couree with M hour eeca­­rlty guard. Cathedral celling in 18x20 living rm with flrenlaoe, gar­den rm with Indoor grill, outdoor large else garden deck with reflec­tion pool overlooking fairwaya, all tile kitchen, many other extra*. Price $110.000 Including rare gold stock certificate. Contact owner: (SOS) MS-9T4T er XST-WTS (94) S& S COINS—— GOLD COINS FOR SALE S20 SG or LIB choice unc. J205 110 Indian choice unc. 5150 510 Liberty choice unc. 5100 Sovereign 5 42 50 Peso Mex» 5160 BUYING SUV« COINS 100 to 1 10°?« BUYING SllVtt DOLLARS BAY $3.50 IACH Prices subject to Market Fluctuations — Inquieries Welcome. - Call 609-767-0775 Berlin Formers Mkt, Berlin, N.J. 60080 Coll» Accepted 7 Doy* o Week Store Open Thur»., fri., Sot.. Sun. (93) UPSTATE SUBURBAN LIQUOR STORE­­Modern building — Fixtures and stock — 100 car parking space. Excellent location! Call (315) 488-8423 (Syracuse). (94) HOLLIS NURSE WILL CARE FOR RETIRED HANDI CAPPED OR SENILE IN MY HOME. MEALS, T.V., LAUNDRY CALL: HO 8-0403 (98) ADIRONDACK*—One of a kind in West­­port, NY, A mountain top 100 «ert horse tiarm and unusual split level coritempor­-----r eciuti" NY, A Mountainjop" 1Q0 ._ __Unmatched . ivacy, seclusli_______ tacular overlooking vie»/ and solitude. A spec* the Chai ary rustic home, privacy, seclusion _____ tacular overlooking View of thi plain Valley A Adirondack Mts. A mag­nificent wonderland country setting tor business, retirement, or year round, tstate living. Features: 3 car garage & apt, 4 BR, 5 bths. 2 Slone fireplaces/ iinished game room/ cathedral pine kitchen, enclosed porch. . Property features: lawn, fieldstone fenc­ing/ pine panelled 5 box .stall, horse barn, tack room, feeding barn, corral, riding trails, cedar rail fencing, acres pasture, 70 acres woodland, _ spring fed ponds and mountain spring Similes from Route 87. 4 mite» from village, .school, championship golf course and Lake Champlain. Only 5Ö miles from the ski centers of the NE^Tht best of Adirondack hunting and fishing H within minutes. Immed sale, Writ* Box ‘ Phone (518) ower $125.000. (9$) " '"-stport, NY - etter 6 rz 1969 MERCEDES 280 SL. 2 Tops, air conditioning, tape deck, leather Inte­rior, dark green, completely rebuilt, great condition. $5,800. (914) -273-9366 (914) 273-9379. (94) FT.LAUDERDALE, Executive Hideaway. 4 BR, 3 baths, decorator furnished,patio, screeped pool, all conv. Btfly landscaped. Exclusive neighborhood. Nr brfl shops. Close to ocean. Assome 7 1/2 % mtg., Immed. possession. $100,000. (215)521- 2503. (93) WAKEFIELD NEW HOMES Prices will never be lower on these 2 new ranches...8 rm. split, 4 bdrms., frpl. famrm., 1 full and 2 half baths, 2 car gar., $49,900... 6 rm. straight ranch, oversized frpl., livrm., formal dlnrm., 3 lg. bdrms., 1/2 baths, 2-car gar., $46,900... Both homes have elec, eat-ln kit., c.t. vanity baths, hardwooded floors, and are ln alovelyexecutive area. GREER'S INC. REALTORS, 617-2451638; eves. 245-8414. (93) Yes, we have no Bikinis! Jam u this winter in Pjrtdftte! Where? THE SAINT ISLANDS, VIRGIN ISLANDS, HAWAII... jbt winter SKI WEEKENDS! Pirn eo/NUDE SCHOONER CRUISEin the Cinbbeen for Emter! Special Winter/Spring holiday weekend trips... V*“' Group space and rates for ASA clubs. A' Departures from several cities available. Book early.„.space is limited! For reservations & FREE BROCHURES, see your travel agent or contact; VIA.TOUR/ I asp”!-.,., <-> Vxabons In the But! IwSBaMw_______ (x) ACTORS HAIR STYLING STUDIO 120 E. 57th St. bat. Lex. & Park Announces 50% discount on our regular prices on Hair Styling, Heir Straightening and Holr Places. Present this AO or your AFTRA, SAO, ACTORS EQUITY, or any othar union membership card far your discount. for appointment call Mr. Andrew TEL.: 212-421-8785 or 212-355-8230 ATTENTION: INVESTORS AND DEVELOPERS Chester County, Pa. 7.7 Acres 722 foot frontage U.S. Rt. 30 Industrial ground and 4 buildings , Shows 10% return 8V$ % financing available GIANTOMO, Realtors <*15> «47-6400 »63-2000 (X) CENTRAL MAINE — WOODED PARADISE 8 acres on year round road. Long front­age. Power k phone. Close to Rte 95 k Bangor International Airport. Ideal hunt­ing, fishing, skiing, camping, hiking. Near lakes & rivers. Very scenic. Priced for quick sale $3900. Call 1-203-838-3084. or 203-878-1701. (93) BARGAIN SERVICED LOTS-MONTREAL Own a piece of Canada. Choice fully serviced lots suitable for residential, commercial or Industrial use. 60x90 $2,800. — Also lots 100x160, Ottawa $ 3,200. — Write ln English please to: Canada Wide Realty, 328 Walmer Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (93 POCONO MTS., 1,500 sq.ft, newly con­structed bldg., all utilities, along main highway. For information: (717) 839-7442. (94) FIREWOOD Split, stacked, accurate amount assured. Immediate delivery. Reliable. Regular and Face Cords. (516) 420-1323. (94) EASTCHESTER.N.Y. 500 to 2000 sq. ft. Will divide to suit tenants. Modern, near all transportation. Parking, Call (914) 793-3300 or (914) 337-9394. (94) MR. A15 SALON Lastest ln Creative Hair Styling. Mens Nlte - Thursday 103 Claremont Road, Bernsrdville, New Jersey Call: 201-766-3441 (93) INDUSTRIAL — COMMERCIAL. 55 acres Industrial-commercial site, suitable for any type of Industry Requiring outside storage, sewers, water, electricity In­cluded at $5,000 per acre. Write ln Eng­lish please to: Canada Wide Realty, 328 Walmer Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (93 WATCH One of our dealers earned $2000 per week all—. $2000 payable ln cash with 90 per cent of the work done by others. See proof for yourself at our expense. Proven to be one of the highest net profit business ln the world. For ad­ditional qualifying Information call Mr. Johnson at (212) 445-6281 with Woote & Associates. (93 3-6-9 plus you - Adventures ln Learn­ing AT SUMMER CENTER *74 Here's how the formula works: 3 week Challenge: Beginning June 13, July 6, July 29, 1974. Fine, perform­ing, Photographic Arts Seminars; Wil­derness; Tai Kwon Do Karate; Pack Trips. 6 week Challenge: Beginning July 6, 1974. Multl-disclpllnary courses; Mexico ad­venture; combination of two 3-week C hallenges. 9 week Challenge: Beginning June 13,1974. Review of fundamentals of English, Spanish, Algebra & Geometry; combi­nation of 3 or 6 week Chaellenges. Plus YOU — the adventure in learn­ing ln majestic Red Rock county of Sedona, Arizona. 4,300' elevation. Clean Arizona skies. Age requirement: 15years or older. Summer Center *74 VERDE VALLEY SCHOOL Sedona, AZ 86336 (Member of NAB, AAIAS) (93) IRON HORSE ANTIQUES, Inc. One of North America's largest dealers in ANTIQUE TOOLS OF ALL TRADES AGRICULTURE IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS Books on Tools A Trades Offers two fully illustrated catalogs each year (May & Nov.) - To receive the next two catalogs send $2.00 to IRON HOR^ ANTIQUES, Inc. Star Rte.-Bomo^en^ermont 05732 (94) CHEFS GOURMET RESTAURANT The finest food service company in the United States is offering professionals of all levels an opportunity to start anew in America*s last liveable city. We are in the process offering & challenging career in elegant food service. We need experienced personnel in the following positions: SOUS CHEFS of assembling the staff of our new Amer­ican Restaurant in the famous $200 mil­lion Crown Center of Kansas City, Mis­souri. This restaurant will be of the highest quality. VEGETABLE COOKS SAUCIERS GARDEMANGER BR0ILERMEN All positions offer high salaries and comprehensive bevefits. This will mean a rise in your standards of living when you choose to live in Kansas City with its low cost of living, beautiful recrea­tion area, low crime rates and clean air. Relocation expenses will be paid. CALL MR. BRENT HAYRYNEN COLLECT Director of Personnel 816-471-1242 DAVRE’S CROWN CENTER RESTAURANTS 2201 Grand Kansas City, Missouri 64108 „Benito, gondolj Napóleonra !” „Figyelmeztetem, asszo­nyom, ön még rosszul fogja végezni!” — így intette Rachele Mussolini harminc évvel ezelőtt a fiatal Clara Petaccit, az olasz fasiszta vezér akkori szeretőjét. Mussolini feleségének igaza lett: két évvel ké­sőbb, 1945. április 28-án az ellenállás harcosai agyonlőtték Benito Musso­linit, a diktátort, és sze­retőjét, Petaccit. A két ri­­válisnó találkozójáról a „Mussolini sans masque” (Mussolini álarc nélkül) című könyvben olvasha­tunk. A kötet most je­lent meg Franciaországban, frója Rachele Mussolini, a diktátor 83 éves özvegye. Harminc éves hallgatás után az olasz diktátor öz­vegye rászánta magát, hogy közzéteszi emlékira­tait. Három hónapig gyűj­tögette össze emlékeit Ró­ma közelében lévő villájá­ban. Ezalatt jegyzettömb­bel és ceruzával a kezében ült mellette Albert Zarca, a fiatal újságíró aki gyors­írással rögzítette az idős asszony emlékeit. A könyv javarészt szen­timentális. helyenként iz­galmas keveréke a családi pletykáknak és a világtör­ténelmi eseményeknek. Az özvegy esetenkint jo­viális apaként, máskor szi­gorú pátriárkaként ábrá­zolja Mussolinit. Amikor például gyermekáldást vár­tak, Mussolini nagyon rossz néven vette feleségé­től, hogy a gyermeket tá­vollétében hozta a világ­ra. Anélkül, hogy egy pil­lantást is vetett volna a gyermekre, szemrehányóan megjegyezte: „Hiszen mondtam neked, hogy várj meg!” A Romagnából származó parasztlány — a későbbi özvegy — beavatkozott a politikába is. Megírja, hogy 16 éves korában egy ci­gányasszony megjósolta neki: „A legnagyobb meg­becsülésben lesz részed, egyeprangú leszel a ki­rálynővel, de aztán min­den összeomlik körülötted, és sok szomorúság ér.” Az abesszin háború előtt Ra­chele Mussolini naiv ag­godalommal figyelmeztette ,férjét: „Gondolj Napóleon­ra, Benito! Minden hata­­llom a kezében összponto­sult, és egész Európa fölött uralkodott. S mit csinált? Egyre újabb győzelmeket akart, s végül mindent el­vesztett.” Mussolini a könyv sze­rint tanácsért fordult a fe­leségéhez. Egyik este meg­kérdezte tőle: „Mit gon­dolsz. kapcsolatba lépjek Hitlerrel ?” Családi krónikájában Mussolini özvegye beszá­mol arról is, hogy fia, Vit­­torio látogatást tett Roose­­velt amerikai elnöknél. Teázás közben állítólag a vendéglátó ezt mondta ne­ki: „Közölje édesapjával, szívesen beszélgetnék vele személyesen. A mi szem­pontunkból Németország és a Szovjetunió egyáltalán nem jöhet számításba. Mr Mussolini az egyedüli, aki Európában fenntarthatja az egyensúlyt.” Ez a nem hivatalos meghívás azon­ban elkésett. Egy hónap­pal korábban, 1937 szep­temberében Mussolini öt­napos németországi utazá­sa során már elkötelezte magát Hitler mellett. Igaz, hogy Rachele Mus­solini könyvében a diktá­tor árnyékában élő sze­rény feleségként szerepel, de az öt gyermek anyja favaszabb volt, mint a külvilág föltételezte róla. Hogy kézben tartsa a fér­jét, Rachele „magánrend­őrséget” tartott fönn; ez jelezte neki a diktátor minden szerelmi kirucca­nását. A szerelmi dosszié adatainak összefoglalója mindenesetre kissé nevet­­ségesen hangzik: „Egy do­log kétségtelen — írja a 83 éves özvegy —, Mus­solini soha egyetlen nő­nek sem udvarolt, a nők odadobták magukat neki, ha tetszettek neki, vagy imponálni akartak barát­nőiknek, s föl akartak vág­ni: Mussolini szeretője va­gyok.” CLARA PETACCI. MUSSOLINI SZERETŐJE ,,Asszonyom, ön még rosszul fogja végezni!” DISCOUNT/QUALITY Instant short run printing. Phone quotes 5-7 P.M. Trade discounts. Perez Print­ing, 137 Green SL, N.Y.C. 673-0630. (93) PRESTIGE R & D or CORP. HQ. Pocono setting near IS-80. Architect-de­signed contemporary building 12,500 feet, quality throughout, chemical laboratory, two walk-in vaults, reprdouctior, facili­ties, executive offices, etc. With 10 acres zoned industrial 5700,000. appraisal. Low interest mortgage. Additional land. Cell (717) 424-6000, Mr. Ward, or write: Box J.M. 110 Rm. 915. 350 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C. 10001. (93). FLORIDA BOUND HOST-RENT-A-GAR $ PER WEEK 2-DR NUVA UNLIMITED MILEAGE 62“ MIAMI 871-4505 FT. LAUDERDALE 523-6541 ORLANDO 851-1000 TAMPA 872-1891 —Airport Pickup— TOLL FREE 1-800-327-3788 FARMS, from 50 acres to 1300. Priced from $95,000 to $612,000. 25 acs, view, ancient Iron Ore Mine, pond, brook borders prty. $20,000. 2 bdrm hse, miles of views, fishing & beach privileges. Fullyfurnished.$43,000. For appt. call: Anna Hough 518-329-1182 or 518-325-3272. Mgt Christiania Lie, Bkr. (93) OFFICE SPACE CORNWELLS HEIGHTS Vicinity 1-95 k Street Rd. Approxima­tely 2700 sq. ft. of brand new offices. Available at the ridiculously low price of $2.75 per sq. ft. Including all utili­ties. Available immediately. Call B. Meyers, 215-639-5944. (93) THE NEW SANFORD HOTEL FOR SENIOR CITIZENS A home away from home for mother k dad. Fireproof, air cond. TV, beauti­ful furn., near houses of worship, shop­ping, 3 delicious Kosher meals dally. Special diets observed.Come see for your­self. 140-40 Sanford Ave. Flushing, N.Y. 353-1400. (97) 18 CENTURY FRENCH HARPSICHORD ln kit form. An authentic replica of an antique double manual harpsichord with four reg­isters and buff stop. Complete pre-cut parts, detailed drawings and Instructions Included. Frank Hubbard, 185 B Lyman Street, Waltham, Maas. 02154. (93) OUTSTANDING BUY Restaurant for sale. Seats 104. Fully equipped. $10,000 needed. Full price $45,000, or long lease. Call 516-598-2229 — or 516-586-6675. (93)

