Magyar Herald, 1996 (1. szám)

1996 / 1. szám

PAGE 2 MAGYAR HERALD 1996 First Issue /F The Magyar Club of Cleveland 19 1 2a J OFFICERS 1995 - 1996 PRESIDENT Mr. Frank Dobos 4140 Diane Drive Fairview Park, OH 44126 VICE-PRESIDENT Mr. Emery Marcus 11535 Peachtree Drive Chesterland, OH 44026 SECRETARY Anne M. Robinson 1231 Giesse Drive Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 TREASURER Ruth Tóth 3301 S.O.M. Center Road Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 PAST PRESIDENT Dr. István Tóth DIRECTORS 1996 Mrs. Éva Konya Mr. Ernest Tóth Mr. Theodore Tóth DIRECTORS 1997 Mr. Gustav Enyedy, Jr. Mr. Louis Horváth Mrs. Kori Smith DIRECTORS 1998 Mr. Imre Balassa Mrs. Mária Friedrich Mr. Louis Robinson HISTORIAN Dr. Dezső Ladányi AUDITOR William Köteles EDITOR Magyar Herald Dr. Stephen Szabó Ilii i~m'T'n i r r_LJ)J ■nN Marianne Köteles 1920-1995 Rev. Aaron Elek, pastor emeritus of the West Side Hungarian Reformed Church, also served as deputy bishop of the Calvin Synod. During his 28 years of leading the congrega­tion, Rev. Elek distin­guished himself as both a religious and a com­munity leader. For service in both arenas, he re­ceived many honors, including being named Man of the Year in 1993 by the American Nation­alities Movement of Ohio. In 1990, he retired as a pastor. Under his lead­ership, the church moved in 1978 from its old home on West 32nd Street to a new facility on Puritas Road. He spent 40 years in the ministry, serving churches in the Pennsylvania towns of Johnstown, Leechburg and Fairport, OH before coming to Cleveland. Rev. Elek, a native of Hungary, came to the United States on an ecumenical scholarship to study at Princeton Theological Seminary. He also spent a year studying at the Western Theologi­cal Seminary in Pittsburgh. In addition to serving as deputy bishop in the Calvin Synod, Rev. Elek served as dean of the classis, where he remained an honorary dean after retiring. Survivors include his wife of 40 years, Irene B. (nee Urbán), daughters, Eva Kover of Akron, Laura Abe of Sacramento, California, and Lisa Ammerman of Atlanta, GA; five grandchildren; a brother; and a sister. Services were held at his former church at 15300 Puritas Road, Cleveland. He was an active member of our Cleveland Magyar Club during his ministry here and gra­cious host of a great many festive occassions in his church hall. Távozása alkalmához méltatlan volna ha nem idéz­nénk néhány temetésén elhangzott megérdelmelt méltatást: „Hálát adunk nemcsak azért az „istenes emberért" amint az Holdmezóvásárhely népszolásán, a „párást Párizs" lakói mondanák. (Ahol bölcsője ringott), hanem ugyancsak azért az Istenes prófétáért aki O egy életén át volt." (Dr. Szabó István a templomi imában). „Hirtelen, váratlan, tragikus halála megrázó hatás­sal érintette nem csak közvetlen ismerőseit, hanem minden Amerikai Magyar honfitársát is, teljessen füg­getlenül attól, hogy milyen valláshoz tartoznak. (Virrasztói szertartáson mondotta Burgyán Aladár.) ,,Elbocsátunk immár földi vándor-társunk utolsó utadra. Menj az Atya színre látására, hogy Tőle vedd el bűneid büntetését vagy munkád megérdemelt jutalmát." „A feltámadás hajnalán találkozunk.” (Tábor István, egyházának volt fógondnoka a templomi bucsusztatón.) Mrs. Köteles, 75, of Brecksville, died of heart disease December 23, 1995. She was active through­out her life in Hungarian functions in Greater Cleveland. She enter­tained many visitors at her home, often under a large tent in her spa­cious yard. Members of the Cleveland Magyar Club and touring artists were among the family's guests. Mrs. Köteles was active in the PTA and heart fund drives. During the last seven years, she traveled to dog shows and exhibited a Hungarian Puli dog, "Cimbora," which became and American and Ca­nadian champion. Marianne C. Köteles and her husband, Will­iam, founded the Independence company that manufactured an oxygenator used in the first open heart surgery at St. Vincent Charity Hospi­tal in 1956. Surgeons from all over the world came to ob­serve heart surgeons Earl Kay and Fred Cross during the pioneering operations. They also vis­ited the Köteles' Pemco Plant, where the Kay Cross oxygenator was manufactured. Mrs. Köteles was a gracious hostess and be­friended many of the doctors. She traveled with her husband, William, to visit heart centers world­wide. Mrs. Köteles met her husband at a wedding on Feb. 14, 1944, and they always celebrated their anniversary on Valentine's Day. His spacious country-home in Broadview Heights, a perfect replica of a Magyar Kúria, has been the most gracious hosting "Bonneville" to all Hungarian visiting dignitaries and community leaders for well over a half century. The PEMCO heart-lung units made the name known worldwide. A dozen of them are operating in Hungary, all produced by his PEMCO- some even donated by him as an outright gift. Services were held at the Brecksville Meth­odist Church on December 27, 1995. She is survived by her husband, William Köte­les, our own Hungarian Man of the Year 1990, and President of the Magyar Club of Cleveland in the years 1973-74, and a continuing eternal Board Member who has the honor of having a Heart Surgery Operating Room named after him at the Medical Department of the Debrecen Uni­versity in Hungary. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Köteles is survived by daughters Virginia Keltner, Kathleen Köteles, and son William; four grandchildren and a sister, all of Brecksville. Continued on page 4

