Magyar Herald, 1992 (4. szám)

1992 / 4. szám

4th QUARTER, 1992 MAGYAR HERALD Page 3 Recently Past Events Of Our Magyar Club Recognition Night was held by our Club on September 25 in the Ballroom of the Independence Holiday Inn. Elizabeth Szabó, the " Hungarian Woman of the Year", was honored with festive celebration. Much to our sorrow the late Dr. John Nádás, the selected "Hungarian Man of the Year" en­tered into Eternal Life after great magyar accomplishments. The Certificate of Honor was presented solemnly and posthumously to the bereaving family. Memorial prayer was offered in deep condolence. ooo Testimonial Banquet was held on Octo­ber 11 at the Independence Holiday Inn in honor of Béla and Marianne Köteles as a surprise party for the honorées. It was a great and successful program enriched by the ap­pearance of Tibor Tollas, the Hungarian poet, who presented the best selections of his im­mortal poems at the occasion. It was co­sponsored by the United Hungarian Fund in a worthy estimation for one, who richly de­served the grand honor. Béla Köteles has been a successful busi­nessman in Cleveland for decades. He is the founder of Pemco, a highly specialized com­pany manufacturing heart and lung machines. Since the 1960's, Béla Köteles and his wife have, through their donations, worked to better the lives of the people of eastern Europe and in particular, Hungary, where Köteles can trace his roots. Through the years, at least five heart and lung machines were donated to hospitals in Hungary, along with tons of medical supplies. The Köteles' aid has assisted many hu-The Forthcoming Events Of Our Magyar Club FOR 1992 Business Meeting, November 13, 1992, Friday - Members are asked to attend this meeting at the Independence Holiday Inn. There will be a video showing and an inex­pensive meal. Frank Sötét in charge. OOO Christmas Party, December 12, 1992, Saturday - The party will be planned in the manitarian and cultural causes. They have made possible the rebuilding of at least two Hungarian Reformed churches in Transyl­vania (Romania). They have assisted refu­gees from Romania and war-ravaged Yugo­slavia. Many cultural projects have been made possible with the assistance of Béla and Marianne Köteles: the publishing of books and Hungarian-language periodicals. It turned out to be a memorable great event in response for their several magyar cultural endeavors, solely arranged in style for their honor. OOO Night of Reception for the Hungarian Ambassador was held by the Magyar Társaság on October 16, in the West Side Hungarian Reformed Church, which was co­sponsored by our Club. Pál Tar spent a friendly evening with us answering several questions fully. His address at the City Club is reported in this issue. OOO Cultural Night was held on October 23, 1992, Friday, Anniversary Day of the Hun­garian Revolution, at 8:00 p.m. - There was a piano concert by Zoltán Marczi held at the Cleveland State University's Recital Hall. Mr. Marczi is working on his Ph.D. in Cin­cinnati. He has played at Carnegie Hall. The Club sponsored and featured this concert toward the entire Hungarian and American community. It was an unforgettable cultural event fol­lowed by a warm reception. OOO same manner as previously. There will be a band playing dance music. The party will be held at the Cleveland Clinic Omni Hotel, $25.00per person (cash bar). President László Bojtos in charge. OOO FOR 1993 Fun Night Dinner, January 15, 1993, Friday - This will feature a magician, fortune teller, raffle, music and vocal entertainment. Bill Köteles and Ted Toth in charge. OOO Remarkable Magyar Events in Cleveland October 25, Sunday, at 2:30 p.m.- The United Hungarian Societies invited every­one in Cleveland and vicinity to celebrate at the West Side Hungarian Reformed Church. The 36th ANNIVERSARY of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight. Major address, both in Hungarian and English by Mr. Kristóf Forrai, First Secre­tary of the Hungarian Embassy, Washington, D.C. There will be three lectures in Hungarian. October 31, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Péter Eróss will talk about "The Changes of Roma­nia" (Hungarians outside the Carpathian Mountains). November 6, Friday, 7:30 p.m., Mr. Ferenc Pécsi, a member of the Parlia­ment in Bucharest, will lecture ""In the Ro­manian Parliament, as seen through Hunga­rian Eyes". November 14, Saturday, 7:30 p.m., the Rev. István Szépfalusi, a Hungarian Lutheran pastor from Vienna, Austria, will give a lecture "Our Identity Abroad." All of the above will also be in the Great Hall of the West Side Hungarian Reformed Church (15300 Puritas Avenue). OOO Rev. Szabolcs Kálmán, the pastor of the church, deserves full credit together with his wife, Susanne, for bringing so many great programs to our city concerning the most vital magyar issues of our times and arrang­ing them with such an understanding mind and art. OOO The 32nd Magyar Kongresszus in Cleveland - November 27-29 In the Sheraton Cleveland City Center Hotel. The late Dr. John Nádas organized 31 annual meetings previously. His brother, Dr. Julius Nádas, and his sister, Dr. Rózsa Nádas, are in charge of this 32nd meeting. It will be just as high class as it ever was, with hun­dreds participating from all over the world. Cleveland should be and is proud of this Annual Grand Event. Heritage Night with Dinner, February 13, 1993, Saturday - This will be held at St. (Continued on page 4)

