Magyar Cserkész, 1961 (12. évfolyam, 1-12. szám)

1961-02-01 / 2. szám

to the new members of the International Conference: the Ghana Boy Scouts Associ­ation, the "Federation du Scoutisme Mal­­gache, and the Boy Scouts of Nigeria. ybif in Following the 3rd World Indaba in The Netherlands, a small team of Hun­garian scoutleaders traveled to Tuni­sia to visit the 4th Pan-Arab Jamboree. Never before did we have the privilege to attend a Jamboree of this kind, and we came home full of admiration for the highly developed and quite distinctive camping technique demonstrated in the beautiful Tunisian scout reservation, Bir 31-Bey, as well as in the Hover Sub-camp at Bordj Cedria. The camp was an ideal place to make lots of acquaint­ances, and to talk to the top leaders of Arab Scouting, including the pop­ular Regional Executive Commissioner, Mr.Ali Dandachi. We hope that in the future more non-Arab delegations will be given the opportunity to visit Pan- Arab Jamborees, for they could learn a great deal from the friendly and high­­spirited scouts of that region. A vote of special thanks goes to the contin­gents of Kuwait, Libya, and Tunisia for the good fellowship and hospitality. The West-African Tour carried us through Nigeria, Togo, Ivory Coast,Li­beria, and Senegal, up to Morocco. The pictures you see here should testify to the wonderful reception given by the African brother scouts /particularly in Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia/. We had an exciting program in each country, and we returned to our present home6 rich in experience and mutual under­standing. Let us all pray that scout­ing may have a bright future in Africa. 13

