Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)
1929-07-15 / 14. szám
294 MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ No. 14. THE INFLUENCE OF SCOUTING ON THE SCIENTiFICAL AND ARTISTIC LIFE OF HUNGARY. The Hungarian boy scout movement shows since its commencement an interesting and multilateral independence. It is pioneering on quite different fields and its special original richness of ideas is transfered by its generousity to the whole nation. Hungarian literature and fine arts received very much from Scouting. New prospects and ideals were discovered, although the first part of this development has been just accomplished. The pedagogy of Scoutism gives new principles for the education of youth. School and out of school education is keen on cooperation. Our pedagogical revue, the ,.Gazette of Leaders' is today a very considerable factor of the Hungarian pedagogical literature. Each copy contains valuable articles which attract the attention of many prominent pedagogic experts too. The prospects let hope that the above publication and the scout-pedagogy will direct very soon education in the whole country. The literature of the natural, geographical and ethnographical sciences obtained very much from Scouting. Our intellectual leaders : highschool and university professors came nearer through scout life to that free nature and to the village, about which they are lecturing. They acknowledge, that the special scientifical literature profited by new, unexpected experiences. The scout-movement gave new ideals for the belles-lettres. The modern literature is suffering from tiredness. The always repeated sexual thoughts make it one-sided. Old and tiresome themas, which were discussed a lot of times, ,are re-written. The scouts show quite a new world in their own literature : the world of the man, the nature, the field of the human power and of the child’s enthusiasm. New problems, struggles, new subjects are discussed, the point of view and the tone are differing. The new type of the boy has grown up to a man and requires a prominent place for himself and for his spiritual world in the literature. The literature is refreshed by this innovation. Novels and poetry treat new ideals. The importance of the scout stories, tales, as a new source of the Hungarian literary activity, is steadily increasing. The scout-stage brought also a new idea. — It shows the mental life of the child and the spectators are astonished by the new, until now unknown values of the human soul. — The clear tone, the generous character, the sound humour are characterizing the scout-plays. These are played to-day by youngsters and only on the scout-and school-stages, but the time is not far, when they will occupy the stage of the big theatres too. That would be the revival of the stage literature. Large numbers of people get a new taste and a sounder mentality from the scout-stage. 3913 theatrical shows have been arranged by the Hungarian scout troops during the last year throughout the country. Millions of people receive those ideals, which characterize the quite natural stage play of these boys. The poetry has got also a new inexhaustable source in Scoutism. The more human and more generous mentality, with higher minded nationality entered with scout-poems into national poetry. The fine arts became also richer. There are several great talents among the 30,000 scouts, who work seriously. We have our special arts and artists. The designs and sketches of Márton are world-famous and Márton has already very many pupils among the younger artists. The scouts have great merits in discovering and fostering of old national folk arts. The camps have always their exact ethnographical programms. The original and very interesting rustic building-style of the Székelys is imitated in the interior of our Scout Shop, which is admired by foreigners. The slogan of the Hungarian scout is: be more human man and more Hungarian Hungarian. This slogan is appreciated and followed in the practice everywhere : more perfect, more national in everything. Literature and arts won a lot just by this quality of Scoutism and it is doubtless, that the Hungarian boy scout literature and arts will become leading in ten years. Listening to a camp fire yarn. Nagyon érdekes a tábortűz. Decoration of a camp. Tábordiszítés,