Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)

1929-07-15 / 14. szám

No. 14. MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ 295 SCOUT „PAGES“, — ROVER SCOUTS. The first is the foot on which the boy scout movement learns to walk, the second is the head which has a clear sight and takes new roads in life. The Rover carries a lily in his hand and plants it outside the garden of the Scout Movement in the soil which is called society. In pursuance of the Rovers work the lily forest is conquering by degrees untill now uncultivated territory. Hungary had also taken up the Wolf Club mo­vement and there are such troops, but made researches from the very beginning for something else and started the movement of the „Scout pa­ges“ more suitable to the mind of the Hungarian child which was very quickly spread and excee­ded in growth the other movement. The Hungarian brother of the Wolf Club is singing, telling tales and playing, preparing for the real Boy Scout’s life. It is not yet the Boy Scout Movement, but prepares the soil of the mind for it. It has a many centuries old root in the past history of our nation and is blossoming now as a new revival. The Sout Page is preparing him­self to be a boy scout when he is twelve, but now he is only the page, in a mental sense the esquire of his little knight, the Boy Scout. The work is done separately, but he is getting acquainted with the Boy Scout movement before he is twelve. A Hungarian „Page“. Magyar cserkészapród. Rover meeting at Hárshegy Training Camp. Oregcserkészek táborozása a Magyar Cserkészparkban. Acting in a fairy play. Kis'cserkészek színházat játszanak. (Együtt a Hófehérke törpéivé’.) This was found the most suitable prepa­ratory work for Hungary. Their elder brother, the Rover Scout is endeavouring to maintain with us the Scout spirit. It is difficult to maintain it, still more difficult to conquer it and for this reason Hungarian Rovers are affilia­ting with a very small percentage of such members who were not boy scouts them­selves. They are endeavouring instead to lead their Boy Scouts army compactly and unswervingly into the ranks of every­day life and ensure victory to the new and noble spirit of Scouting. The life of the Rover is the harmonious new life of a man living in culture and the nature : no learning how to make knots, but still training and testing mostly in mo­ving camps, on rivers and study excur­sions. The special and main aim is the village where he is certain to find the puré forces of racial renaissance. It is crea­ting links between the country and the town in order to make the national soul be re-born under the influence of Scouting. It is the conviction of Rovers that the new race with the Scout spirit implanted can be a more efficient servant of the national idea and Humanity likewise. The work and ceremonial of the Pages is dealt with in a booklet of 130 pages, while the book of Rovers is of normal size and extends to 250 pages. They have been edited by the Scout Executive of the Hun­garian Boy Scouts’ Association. „Once a scout always a scout“ there is much truth in that slogan. There are large numbers of men in all branches of the Society in every country. Think of the effect of the Scout-idea on the national as well as on international life. We hope that our present Jamboree well promote in a large measure the understanding between us and will have a great effect on the future. Try to make friends in all camps!

