Magyar Cserkész, 1929 (10. évfolyam, 14. szám)
1929-07-15 / 14. szám
No. 14. MAGYAR CSERKÉSZ 293 SIR ROBERT BADEN-POWELL’S VISIT TO HUNGARY. The 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of May 1928 are remarkable days of proud and happy memory in the life of Hungarian boy scouts. On these days the founder of the boy scouts’ movement, our universally beloved B.-P. was staying amongst us. Hist visit was a great honour to us, because we fully appreciated the great difficulty our chief encountered, but from which he did not shrink in order to get acquainted with us in our country. He arrived by boat on the Danube to Budapest, the capital of this country, where he was received with cordial love and great respect, on May 5th. On May 6th a scouts' Rally on a big scale was organized in his honour by the Hungarian boys scouts at the largest stadion of Bpest, 9000 scouts participating. — An audience of 30,000 spectators was present to express their gratitude towards the founder of the Scout Movement. Baden-Powell was adressing one of his cheery speeches to the boys, their leaders and the spectators, emphasizing his satisfaction and appreciation of the Hungarian movement. It was a touching spectacle when this large crowd cheered with enthusiam. The next day the Chief Scout of the World visited the Boy Scouts House which was officially handed over on this day for public use by Count Kuno Klehelsberg, the Hungarian Minister of Education. At the Scouts’ Park, the footprint of B.-P. was marked for eternity. He visited the Scouts Shop where 30,000 boy scouts purchase their outfits and the Scouts Boat House. The Chief Scout expressed everywhere his entire satisfaction on what he saw. His approval was highly appreciated— it constitutes an animating force enabling us to persistent, good work. The pictures published here originated from these memorable days of the Hungarian boy scout movement. We are proud of having these pictures in our possession and the footprint of the Chief which since those days has been cast in brass by ironworker scouts. The scouts are contemplating it with love and pour fresh water into it every morning that the birds in the park may drink out of it — in order that even thirsty little birds might bless the footprint of Baden-Powell. For the Chief’s message to the Hungarian Scouts see page 290—91. The Chief Scout watching scouts working on their pneumatic folding boat. B. P. egy kajak összeállítását szemléli a magyar vízitelepen. The footprint of the Chief Scout made in brass in remembrance of his visit at Scouts Training Centre Hárshegy near Budapest. JB.-P. ércbeöntött lábnyoma a Magyar Cserkészparkban. Dear, old B.-P. Jó munkát, kedves, jó B.-P. The Chief Scout at the Rally held in his honour on May 9 th 1928. B.-P. átmegy a magyar cserkészek kötélhíaján.