Moravek Endre: Index acronymorum selectorum. Pars 6. Instituta oeconomica (A MTAK kiadványai 57. Budapest, 1968)

NIAA NIADA NIAM NIB NIBCA NIC NICD NICE NICMA NIOTOE NID NIDA NIDO NIDS Nienebokos. NIFB NIH N.I.H./B./ N.I.J. Nike NILA N.I.L.C.A. NILE NILFP NIMA NIMC N.I.U.D. NIMGA NIMLO NIMFA 3. National Insuraa^ú Association, /US/ /e/ 4. Navy Industrial Association /e/ National Industrial Advertisers' Association, /US/ /e/ National Independent Automobile Dealers' Association, /US/ /e/ National Institute of Advertising Management, /US/ /e/ 1. National Industries for the Blind, /US/ /e/ 2. Nederlandsche Imkersbond /ne/ National Intercollegiate Boxing Coaches' Association, /US/ /e/ National Institute of Credit, NY /e/ National Institute of Cleaning and Dyeing, Silver Spring /e/ National Institute of Ceramic Engineers, Columbus /e/ National Ice Cream Mix Association, /US/ /e/ National Institute for Commercial and Trade Organization Executives /e/ National Institute of Drycleaning, /US/ /e/ 1. National Independent Dairies Association, /US/ /e/ 2. National Industrial Distributors' Association, /US/ /e/ Nepál Industrial Development Corporation /e/ National Institute of Diaper Services, /US/ /e/ Nieuwe Nederlandsche Bond van Koffiehuishouders en Slijters /ne/ National Institute of Farm Brokers, /US/ /e/ North Irish Horse, Wareham /e/ Nederlandsch-Indische Handelsbank /ne/ Nederlandsch-Indische Jaarbeurs, Bandoeng /ne/ Niedersáchsische Kraftwerke, Osnabrück /d/ National Industrial Leather Association, /US/ /e/ National Industrial Launderers' and Cleaners' Association, /GB/ /e/ National Institute of Labor Education, Madison /e/ National Institute of Locker and Freezer Provisioners, /US/ /e/ National Insulation Manufacturers' Association, NY /e/ 1. National Institute of Management Counsellors, /US/ /e/ 2. National Institute of Municipal Clerks, /US/ /e/ National Institute of Manufacturers and Distributors /e/ Northern Indiana Muck Growers' Association /e/ National Institute of Municipal Law Officers, S Francisco /«/ National Independent Meat Packers' Association, /US/ /e/ 246

