Moravek Endre: Index acronymorum selectorum. Pars 6. Instituta oeconomica (A MTAK kiadványai 57. Budapest, 1968)

N.I.M.U. North Island Motor Union InBarance Company, Wellington /e/ NIOC National Iranian Oil Company, Teherán /&/ NIO/S/P National Institute of Oil Beed Products, W /e/ NIP Nippon Electrio Power Company Ltd. /e/ N.I.P.B. Nederlandsch-Indische Planters Bond /ne/ NIPH National Institute of Poultry Husbandiy, Newport /e/ NIPHLE National Institute of Packaging, Handling and Logistics Engineers, /US/ /e/ N.I.B. Nordiskt Industriellt Hfittsskydd,St /s/ NIRA National Industrial Recreation Association, /US/ /e/ NIRC National Institute of Rug Cleaners| Cleaning, /US/ /e/ NIREB National Institute of Real Estate Brokers, /US/ /e/ NIRNS National Institute for Research in Nuclear Soience, /GB/ /e/ N1S Nordiska Ingenjörssamfundet /s/ N1SA 1. National Industrial Sand|Service |Stores Association, /US/ /e/ 2. National Institute of Supply Associations, /U8/ /e/ NITL National Industrial Traffio League, /US/ /e/ N.I.v.A. Nederlandsch Instituut van Accountants /ne/ N.I.v.B. Nederlandsch Instituut van Belastingoonsulenten /ne/ NIWKC National Institute of Wood Kitchen Cabinets, /US/ /•/ NIWU National Industrial Workers* Union, /US/ /e/ NIZC National Industrial Zoning Committee, /UB/ /e/ NJA 1. National Jewellers' Association, L /e/ 2. Norrbottens Jarnverksaktiebolag /s/ NJAB National Joint Apprenticeship Board for the Building Industiy, L /e/ NJCC 1. National Joint Computer Committee, W /e/ 2. National Joint Consultative Committee of Architects, Qpantity Surveyora and Builders, L /e/ NJF Nordiska Jordbruksforekares Förening, St /a/ N.J.U. 1. Nederlandsche Jaarbeurs, Utrecht /ne/ 2* Nordiska Járnvagsmannaunionen /a/ NJVGA National Junior Vegetable Growers* Association, /US/ /e/ NK 1. Aktiebolag Nordiska Kompaniet /s/ 2. Notáfrská Komora /£/ N.K.B. 1. Nederlandsche Kruideniersbond /ne/ 2. Nippon Kangyo Bank, Tokyo /e/ NKF Norsk Kommunearbeiderforbund /no/ NKE Növényvédelmi Kutató Intézet, Bp /m/ NKL Norgea Kooperative Landsforening, Oslo /no/ NKOA National Knitted Outerwear Association, /US/ /e/ 269

