Kaján Imre (szerk.): Zalai Múzeum 22. (Zalaegerszeg, 2015)

Molnár László: Egykori vízimalmok a mai Zalaegerszegen

330 Molnár László Kovács gőzmalom (Hock János út) Bár nem vízimalomról van szó, mégis meg kell említeni. 1917-ben Kovács Ferenc téglagyár-tulajdonos gyárának egyik felesleges épületéből egy háromjáratú vámmalmot szándékozott kialakítani. Erre kért engedélyt a várostól. Kérelméhez csatolta a téglagyár alaprajzát, valamint a malom tervdokumentációját. Az engedélyt 1917. szeptember 14-én megkapta, és a malom el is készült. Kovács 1918-19-ben üzemeihez iparvágány építésére kért engedélyt278. A fenti üze­mek a mai Hock János utcában voltak. 1922-ben özv. Kovács Ferencné bejelentette, hogy gőzmalomiparát megszüntette, a malmot bérbe adta Gene Gergely szenterzsébethegyi lakosnak, 1921. május 1-től279. Abstract The mills accompany and serve the mankind for thousand of years. The water mills represent much younger age-group, but they are also lived at least two millenia throughout history and they are more significant, in terms of numbers, than the dry mills. On our researched territory, on the area of today’s Zalaegerszeg only the first types are functioned. The history of the local mills dates back much later - according to our knowledge. Written evidences are only from the Middle Ages. During our work we tried to identify all the former mill sites, which was successful all but one. This exception is that wich was mentioned in the documents as Olai Mill, that we were not able to be placed either on the basis of descriptions or maps. Unfortunately, nowdays only four mills could be found at Zalaegerszeg from the countless ones which once were moved by the water of Zala and only one preserved its mill nature: the Hencz Mill in the area of the Village Museum. We hope that this work - despite its shortcomings - can offer something new for those who is interested in the topic, and it can make significantly vivid the picture of the past of Zalaegerszeg by - beyond the source of archives - the documents and photos received from the descendants of the once millers and mill owners, too. 278 MNL ZML V. 1607. 6112/1917. és 1285/1919. 279 MNL ZML V. 16071508/1922.

