Istvánovits Eszter (szerk.): A nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve 51. (Nyíregyháza, 2009)

Néprajz - D. Rácz Magdolna: Adatok az Észak-Tiszántúl népi táplálkozásához

Adatok az Észak-Tiszántúl népi táplálkozásához were used for sausage filling, millet-pup also for garnish or to prepare a milky dish tejbeköles and also meaty and greasy mush steamed in water was quite known. It was called hajdúkása referring to its place of origin. Semolina was used to cook semolina boiled in milk or breaded groats, later on rice milk appeared. Potato was the ingredient of potato porridge, duszi, ganca and potato puree soup. These dishes have been completely forgotten in the modern households. Young generation has changed for eating in canteen. Most housewives work somewhere and do not have energy doing a tiring job such as cooking and baking. Kneaded, boiled pastas from the mixture of flour, egg and water play an important role in everyday nutrition. According to the religious precepts, pasta days are fasting days. Grated and rolled pulps are the transition from pulpy and pasta dishes. The grated pasta from fresh pasta is a soup-filling. The csipkedli is ribbon pasta. Thin and thick vermicelli, small and big dices, oat-grain formed and shell pastas are used freshly and dry. These pastas in good and less perfect qualities can be found in the shelves of supermarkets. Nowadays housewives get the necessary quality from there. Noodles, dumplings and jam pockets are made from the mixture of boiled potatoes and flour. Lapcsánka as fried, grated potato and csírásgaluska are made from raw grated potatoes. Here we have to mention unleavened bread that is kneaded from salt, water and flour with­out egg and cooked on cooking-stove. It was a typical fast meal. Among the pastas with and without raising, the most laboursome are the stuffed ones with poppy-seeds, nuts and cottage cheese. They had an important role during the festival seasons and occasions. Pancakes with various fillings, potato lángos and lapcsánka as fried, garted potatoes are pastas without raising and also among the cakes, the honey macaroon made from rye-flour and cakes and cookies from szalakáré. Com pogácsa, köti pancake, tarkedli, doughnuts, plain cakes, bélés and bukta as buns with jam filling are made from leavened pasta. As my research shows these have become parts of Satur­day and Sunday lunches. Housewives have time and intend to cook or bake something delicious for the family. The most favourable ones among the soups those that were simple to make. Some soups have been made in various ways such as stirring, thickening for sauce and with sour cream. The regional speciality is the kidney bean with cabbage and also sour soup in lent “cibere ”, which was made by fermentation, is needed to be mentioned. In our region soups were main dishes not only at midday but also in the mornings as well especially in winter. Besides the mentioned “cibere” sour soups are nearly forgotten: whey soup, today cooked cabbage soup, egg soup, bean soup, potato soup, lent soup and lung soup. Roax soups are caraway, barley and millet soups with sour cream, rice soup and mushroom soup, which can be sour. Vegetable soups are the táska, csipegli pasta, lebbencs, tarhonya, grated pasta and pergelt pasta soup and among the Slovakians living in the examined area: gnocchi soup. Meat and goulash soups were made from various meats such as pork, beef and poultry. Nowadays the most commonly made soups are meat and goulash soups. Cabbage had a significant role in the cuisine. It was eaten either sour or sweet. Sour cab­bage was also eaten raw. Layered cabbage, lucskos cabbage, toros cabbage and stuffed cabbage with various flavours were made. Bean, pea and lent dishes were often cooked. The role of the milk and dairy products is important but the domestic creamery has been totally overshadowed. Here among the Greek Catholics the yellow cottage cheese is a speciality. As 229

