Istvánovits Eszter (szerk.): A nyíregyházi Jósa András Múzeum Évkönyve 51. (Nyíregyháza, 2009)

Néprajz - D. Rácz Magdolna: Adatok az Észak-Tiszántúl népi táplálkozásához

D. Rácz Magdolna in the nearby areas after calving the second milk was also used. Gulászta was cooked with magic purposes and was eaten with friends and relatives. That time children were watered to have the cow more milk. Sour milk, cottage cheese, butter and sour cream were made from the milk and butter­milk was also eaten as well. Besides cow milk goat milk was also drunken mostly by weak chil­dren. Liptai cottage cheese and curd were bought from shepherds. Today milk and dairy products are sold in shops and also farmers owing cows sell milk from home. In the human eating habits pork had a leading role among meat dishes. In the examined ter­ritory mangalica pigs were kept. Traditionally at pigsticking, a pig was drawn for spare-ribs, it meant that it was laid on its stomach and ripped at its spine. Today people draw for chops. The meat and bacon were generally preserved by smoking. Various sausages and smoked cheese were made. Feast at pigsticking was always organized. Today domestic pig keeping has been decreased. Meat is bought from shops or butcher’s but in the country domestic pigsticking is often held because of retailing. The festal menu was the meat soup with shell pasta, stewed meat, stuffed cabbage and milk loaf. Chicken, beef and pigeon soups, com mush soup, roax soups were brought to the housewives with small babies in order to have more milk. The second course was stewed meat with sauce or various stews. The dessert was floating islands or milk-rice. The cakes were pogácsa, csörege or doughnut. This custom is still alive but it has been reduced heavily. Drinking water was obtained from natural wells but later on the artesian ones appeared. Be­sides the natural water, the birch-water was drunk. Syrups and herbal teas were made. Milk and white coffee were also dmnk. In this area we can experience a huge change because juice and fizzy drinking has largely increased. Most of the inhabitants started to drink mineral water. Among the alcoholic drinks various wines and fruit pálinka were drunk and are drunk and also drinking beer has also appeared. (Translated by Eva Szegedi) Magdolna D. RÁcz Jósa András Museum Nyíregyháza H^J401 Pf. 57. e-mail: 230

