Fatuska János – Fülöp Éva Mária – ifj. Gyuszi László (szerk.): Annales Tataienses II. A mezőváros, mint uradalmi központ. Mecénás Közalapítvány. Tata, 2001.

Fatuska János: Curialisták és incriptionalisták Tatán

Curialists and Inscriptionalists in Tata in the 17th and 19th Centuries János Fatuska We mean two definitely different concepts by the word inscription in conse­quence of the amount of cattle that gives its character. The first one the inscriptio temporanea is similar to a pawn and a reward for a definite time obtained from the sovereign for some loyal service or right of inheritance. Their common feature is the payable money for the registered possession in cash or in definite installments. This form of inscription was one of the characteristic ways of obtaining a domain, as it was shown by the Esterházy family's land policy. The second form of inscription was. the landowners' registering some posses­sions for their serfs that could be inscriptio perennalis in character which might have been in connection with paying money or, by ignoring this, might have been given for some service. This essay studies obtainers in Tata. An important element was in József Eszterházy's and Ferenc Balogh's land policy to establish a unified villeinage in their condition and in the system of their service. This effort could be carried out only with a little success on the territory of Gesztes domain because of historical and demographic reasons. They managed to carry out a unified service system suitable for the interests of the domain by settlements in the underpopulated estate of Tata and by settling a part of the Hungarian population to the domain of Gesztes. The only exception from this system were the inscriptionalists in Tata. László Csáky was the landlord who let some people get 11 farmyards and for this act he obtained the approval of Lipót I. These farmyards had been devided into pieces by inheritence or by sale. The uncertainty, deriving from the above mentioned facts, made it possible for the Eszterházys to invalidate the rights of possessions or to take the farmyard out of pawn. By the middle 1880s almost all the mentioned farmyards had found their way back to the possession of the estate. The rich documents, including regain, have become an important source for the history of this period and of the domain. 32

