Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 21. (1996)
SW = supraorbital width: the greatest distance measured between the processus supraorbitales of os prefrontale (lacrimale) (Plate I, Figure 3). GH = greatest height: from the condylus occipitalis to he highest point of os frontale measured in the medial line (Plate I, Figure 1 ). Mandibula (Plate I, Figures 4-5) GL = greatest length: measured from the apex mandibulae to the processus retroarticularis (proc. mandibularis posterior LEBEDINSKY, 1920, LAMBRECHT, 1933) (Plate I, Figure 4). SL = the length of symphysis mandibularis (Plate I, Figure 4). GW = greatest width: the distance between the processus mandibulae laterales (Plate I, Figure 4). RH = ramus height: the greatest height of ramus mandibulae at the angulus mandibulae (Plate I, Figure 5). Quadrat и m (Plate I, Figures 6-7) GH = greatest height: the distance between the end of processus oticus quadrati and the condylus medialis of the processus mandibularis quadrati (Plate I, Figure 6). GW = greatest width: measured from the tip of the processus orbitális quadrati to the lateral edge of processus quadratojugalis of processus mandibularis quadrati (Plate I, Figure 6). MW = mandibular width: the greatest width of processus mandibularis quadrati, measured between the edges of condylus medialis and processus quadratojugalis (Plate I, Figure 7). CW = condylar width: the width measured between the condylus lateralis and cond. caudalis of processus mandibularis quadrati (Plate I, Figure 7). OW = otical width: the greatest width of processus oticus, measured between the condylus sqamosus and condylus proöticus (Plate I, Figure 6). Coracoideum (Plate I, Figure 8) GL = greatest length: measured from the processus acrocoracoideus to the angulus lateralis of the sternal end of the bone. ML = medial length: measured between the processus acrocoracoideus and the angulus medialis of the sternal end of the bone. CW = the smallest width of corpus coracoidei. GW = greatest (sternal) width: from the angulus medialis to the processus lateralis. AW = articular width: the width of faciès articularis sternalis between the angulus medialis and angulus lateralis. Scapula (Plate I, Figures 9-10) GL = greatest length: measured between the apex acromialis and the caudal end of the bone (Plate I, Figure 10). GW = the greatest width of the cranial end of the bone: measured between the apex acromialis and the edge of the faciès articularis humeralis (Plate I, Figure 10). CW = the smallest width of corpus scapulae (Plate I, Figure 10). GH = the greatest height of the cranial end of the bone (Plate I, Figure 9). 10