Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 21. (1996)
Humerus (Plate II, Figure I) GL = greatest length: measured between the caput humeri and processus flexorius. PW = greatest proximal width: measured from the tuberculum dorsale to the crista bicipitalis (cr. tub. ventralis). CT = the distance between the crista pectoralis (cr. tub. dorsalis) and tuberculum ventrale. CW = the smallest width of corpus humeri. DW = greatest distal width: measured between the edges of condylus dorsalis and processus flexorius. Radius (Plate II, Figures 2-4) GL = the greatest length (Plate II, Figure 2). SP = the smallest proximal diameter (cranio-caudal direction) (Plate II, Figure 3). GP = the greatest proximal diameter (dorso-ventral direction) (Plate II, Figure 3). CW = the smallest width of corpus radii (dorso-ventral direction near to the proximal end of the bone) (Plate II, Figure 2). DW = the greatest distal width (dorso-ventral direction) (Plate II, Figure 2). DD = the degree of deviation of the distal end of the bone: measured from the cranial contour of the corpus radii to the caudal edge of facies articularis radiocarpalis or to that of the tuberculum aponeurosis (Plate II, Figure 4). Ulna (Plate II, Figures 5-7) GL = greatest length: measured between the apex of olecranon and condylus ventralis (Plate II, Figure 6). PW = greatest proximal width: the distance measured between the outer edges of cotyla ventralis and cotyla dorsalis (Plate II, Figure 5). PH = greatest proximal height: measured from the cranial edges of cotyla ventralis and cotyla dorsalis to the apex of olecranon (Plate II, Figure 5). PT = the transverse measure of the proximal end of the bone: from the line between the outer edges of cotyla dorsalis and olecranon to the outer edge of cotyla ventralis (Plate II, Figure 5). CW = the smallest width of corpus ulnae (measured in cranio-caudal direction) (Plate II, Figure 6). DT = the greatest, transverse measure of the distal end of the bone: measured between the labrum of the condylus dorsalis and the tuberculum carpale (Plate II, Figure 7). Carpometacarpus (Plate II, Figure 8) GL = greatest length: measured between the proximal edge of trochlea carpalis and the facies articularis digitalis minor (tub. ulnare LAMB RECHT, 1914; fac. art. dig. П1 LAMBRECHT, 1933). PW = greatest proximal width: measured between the caudal edge of trochlea carpalis and the processus extensorius of os metacarpale alulare (not perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis). CW = the smallest width of the corpus of os metacarpale majus (metac. II): in cranio-caudal direction, near the distal end of the bone. II