Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 21. (1996)

indicated with the descriptor. For certain anatomical parts, for which I could not find a name in the literature, I prepared my own nomenclature (Plate III). For the indications of directions there are controversial names in the literature. I followed BAUMEL (1979) therefore the directions in the discussion of the bones of the wing refer to an open wing position, the leg is treated as it would hang (not in a backwards stretched) position. In the graphs the edges of the columns show the minimum and maximum values, while the intermediate line shows the average value. The numerical values are to be understood in mm. The number beside the sexes indicates the number of exemplares. In the scatter diagrams the legends of the species are given one by one, the index numbers beside the signs indicate the number of exemplares. The bone measurements were taken using a calliper to the nearest 0.1 millimetres. From the measured data the following values were calculated: n = the number of data Min = minimum value Max = maximum value x = average (arithmetic mean) S % = Percentage of standard variation (coefficient of variation) = - =; x S = Variance From the measured data, showing the greatest differences, I have calculated ratios that are characteristic for certain species, and hence are appropriate for the identification of species. Sometimes I gave ratio values that can not be used for the separation of the discussed species, but can be useful for the identification of fossil material. In the case of certain bones I changed the names of certain measures as compared to my former works. I carried out the measuring at the following points: Cranium (Plate I, Figures 1-3) GL = greatest length: measured between the apex premaxillaris and prominentia cerebellaris (Plate I, Figure 1). CL = caput (head) length: measured between the tip of processus frontalis of os nasale and prominentia cerebellaris (Plate I, Figure 1). RL = rostrum (beak) length: measured between the apex premaxillaris and the tip of processus frontalis of os nasale (Plate I, Figure 1). BL = basal length: measured between the caudal edge of condylus occipitalis and the apex of os basisphenoidale (Plate I, Figure 2). GW = greatest width: the maximal width of the cranium, measured between the processus postorbitales (Plate I, Figure 3). TW = tympanical width: the width between the alae tympanicae (processus paraoccipitalis OTTO, 1981) (Plate I, Figure 3). FW = the smallest width between the fossae temporales (Plate I, Figure 3). MW = minimal width: the smallest width of the pars nasalis of os frontale, at the supraorbital part (Plate I, Figure 3). 9

