Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 20. (1995)

Hír, J.: A Lök-völgyi-barlang őslénytani ásatásának eredményei

Table. 3. The fauna of the samples 8-5 (6th layer to the lower part of the 2nd layer) with minimal possible noumbers of individuals 8 7 6 5 S Lacerta sp. 15 14 60 7 96 Chiroptera indet. ­­1 ­1 Talpa europaea L 2 ­2 ­4 Sorex araneus L. 1 1 1 ­3 Muscardinus avellanarius (L.) ­­­1 1 Apodemus sylvaticus gr. ­­1 1 2 Clethrionomys glareolus (SCHREBER) ­1 1 6 8 Arvicola terrestris A (?) 2 1 6 ­9 Pitymys subterraneus (SEL.-LONG.) 3 ­4 9 16 Microtus gregalis PALLAS ­4 1 2 7 Microtus arvalis PALLAS 5 22 36 66 129 Ursus sp. 1 ­1 S 28 44 113 92 277 Tab. 4. The fauna of the samples no, 4.-1. (the 1 st layer and the upper part of the 2 nd layer) with minimal possible noumbers of individuals. 4 3 2 1 S Rana sp. ­­2 ­2 Lacerta sp. 150 65 8 14 237 Chiroptera indet. ­­1 ­1 Talpa europaea L. 1 2 2 ­5 Sorex araneus L. 4 2 2 1 7 Sorex minutus L. 2 ­­1 3 Sicista subtilis-betulina 4 ­­1 5 Apodemus sylvaticus gr. 1 ­3 7 11 Cricetus cricetus L. 3 4 1 2 10 Clethrionomys glareolus (SCHREBER) 3 3 1 5 12 Arvicola terrestris A (?) 5 2 1 ­8 Pitymys subterraneus (SEL.-LONG.) 6 8 ­4 18 Microtus gregalis PALLAS 2 2 ­5 9 Microtus arvalis PALLAS 56 31 10 19 116 Microtus agrestis (L) 4 2 ­­6 Mustelidae indet. ­1 1 ­2 S 241 122 32 59 454 36

