Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 20. (1995)

Hír, J.: A Lök-völgyi-barlang őslénytani ásatásának eredményei

3. Systematical informations 3.1. Citellus cf. undulatus PALLAS, 1779 (Figs. 5.-9.) Individual dental measurements (lengt x width in mm) of some "large sized" Citellus ma­terial 4/A Upper molars P3 P4 Ml-2 M3 Citellus major 2.03x2.07 2.67x304 2.90x3.50 3.70x3.60 Uppony 2.03x1.86 2.03x1.99 2.87x3.65 2.80x2.75 2.82x3.62 2.60x3.37 2.80x3.82 C. cf. undulatus 1.29x1.68 2.62x3.15 2.75x3.45 3.37x3.45 Lök-völgyi 2.02x1.89 2.67x3.22 2.62x3.52 3.55x3.47 Cave 2.80x3.15 2.75x3.45 2.87x3.67 2.82x3.57 2.80x3.72 С undulatus 1.71x1.76 2.32x2.77 2.57x3.25 3.12x3.12 recent 1.77x1.82 2.37x2.77 2.70x3.30 2.60x3.25 2.72x3.37 3.20x3.07 4/B. Lower molars p4 ml-2 m3 Citellus major, Uppony 2.75x3.30 3.75x3.40 2.42x2.80 2.80x2.77 2.67x3.27 2.62x3.25 2.50x3.07 2.70x2.87 3.70x3.32 4.12x3.52 C. cf. undulatus, ­3.00x3.40 3.60x3.75 LÖk-völgyi Cave 2.62x3.12 2.87x2.97 3.50x3.62 3.57x3.25 С. undulatus, recent 2.32x2.22 2.40x2.70 3.37x3.12 2.37x2.20 2.65x3.10 2.45x2.62 2.62x3.00 3.40x3.15 (The material of Uppony is stored in the Paleontological Collection of the Hungarian Na­tural-History Museum, no. inv.: V 64. 1009; V 65. 85; V 65. 202. The recent С undulatus skull and mandibles are from the Mammalological Collection of the Hungarian Natural-His­tory Museum, no. inv.: 77. 195. 1.) 37

