Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 20. (1995)
Hír, J.: A Lök-völgyi-barlang őslénytani ásatásának eredményei
7th layer: brown, non cemented debris. The fauna list is given in the Table. 2. 6th layer: brown, hardly cemented breccia. 5th layer: brown, non cemented debris. 4th layer: light brown debris 3rd layer: dripstone and cemented breccia. 2nd layer: brown debris with crotovinas. The faunalist of these layers is given in Table. 3. 1st layengray debris with humus. Faunalist is given in Table. 4. Table. 1. The fauna of the 8th layer (samples 10-18.) with minimal possible noumbers of individuals. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S Lacerta sp. 5 1 1 - - 3 1 - - 11 Chiroptera indet. ________1 1 Talpa europaea L. 1 1 1 — — — — 1 — 4 Sorex araneus L _____!___ 1 Lepus sp. ________! x Ochotona pusilla (PALLAS) 1----1111 5 Citellus cf. undulatus ______1_2 3 Cricetus sp. _____1__1 2 Clethrionomys glareolus (SCHREBER) 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 - ,7 Lagurus sp. ________ 1 \ Arvicola terrestris A 3--1111-- 7 Pitymys subterraneus (SEL.-LONG.) ___i_____ \ Microtus oeconomus (PALLAS) 2-2------ 4 Microtus gregalis PALLAS 2-1--3344 17 Microtus arvalis PALLAS 5 1 — — — 4114 16 Ursussp. 2221 -3122 15 Hyaena spelaea GOLDFUSS _ _ i _ _ i _ _ _ 2 S 22 6 9 4 1 19 10 10 17 98 The fauna of the 7th layer (sample 9.) with minimal possible noumbers of individuals Lacerta sp. 3 Talpa europaea L. 1 Clethrionomys glareolus (SCHREBER) 1 Arvicola terrestris A (?) 1 Microtus gregalis PALLAS 1 Microtus arvalis PALLAS 3 S 10 Tab. 2. 35