Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 20. (1995)
Hír, J.: A Lök-völgyi-barlang őslénytani ásatásának eredményei
FOLIA HISTORICO NATURALIA MUSEI 1995 MATRAENSIS 20: 31^18 The results of the paleontological excavation in the Lök-völgyi Cave (North Hungary, Bükk Mountains) HÍR JÁNOS Abstract: (The paleontological results of the layer identifying excavation of the Pleistocene deposits in the Lök-völgyi Cave will be described.) In this cave a large scaled excavation was managed in 1932-1933. The author and his work-group examined the profile of the intact sediment in 1994. A new stratigrapical subdivision of the cave deposit is suggested based on the microvertebrata finds of the new excavation. 1. Introduction and history of research The Lök-völgyi Cave is situated in the Southwestern part of the Bükk Mountains, 6 km from the village Felsőtárkány,in 375 m height above the sea level. The cave can be found in the western side of the motor road Eger-Miskolc (Fig. 1.). The cave is indicated on the touristic maps, but it is absent from the 1: 10 000 scaled topographic map of the Hungarian National Cartographic Office (code: 208 444). The exploration of the cave was started by the test-excavations of Gyula Bartalos and Andor Leszih during the 20's. In 1932 a large-scale excavation started by a group of KADIC O. et MOTTL M.(1938). During its course, a trench was dug in the main hall of the cave, but it was not deepened to the bottom of the cave sediment. Another trench was dug in the interior hall as well (Fig. 2.). In the text of the paper of KADIC O. et MOTTL M. (1944) only 2 layers were distinguished in the sequence of the cave: 1. yellow and brown clay with debris, locally cemented by travertine 2. black humus In the annexed map 5 layers were figured (Fig. 3.): 1. black humus 2. brown humus 3. brown clay 4. clay cemented by travertine 5. pebbles The excavation produced the following vertebrate fauna: Ursus spelaeus Canis lupus Vulpes vulpes Martes martes Hyaena spelaea Felis spelaea Felis silvestris Lepus sp. Cervus elaphus Rupicapra rupicapra Bison priscus 31