Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 20. (1995)
Hír, J.: A Lök-völgyi-barlang őslénytani ásatásának eredményei
Only large sized material was found, because washing and sieving was not applied The authors (op. cit.) remarked the small measurements of the bear and wolf bones and teeth without the presentation of any data. Beside the paleontological material a Protosolutrean paleolithic find was reported from the brown clay layer in square 12. (Fig. 2.). In the summary KADIC et MOTTL M (op. cit.) classified the age of the sediment as the "best part of the glacial" refering to the monoglacial theory •*л iTtísa^jm^jatnJUAáassss^íu si 32 Fig. 1. The geographical position of the Lök-völgyi Cave. A Lök-völgyi-barlang földrajzi helyzete.