Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)
Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)
F 2 zone Immigration of modern species: Zebrina detrita , Cecilioides acicula . Frequency of Laciniaria biplicata , Discus rotundatus , Perforatella incarnata is increasing. The zone can be date Sub-Atlantic. F 3 zone Strong spreading of modern species ( Helicella obvia , Monacha cartusiana , Oxychilus draparnaudi etc). This is the maximum of Laciniaria biplicata . The zone can be date Sub-Recent . The correlation with the Hungarian malaco-zones is easier if we leave the Epi-Atlantic and Sub-Recent from LO^EK' s chronostratigraphical ranging, as it was done by L0Z"EK in a table of his study (HORACEK, I. - LOZEK, V. 19ПВ). In this way the E zone placed in Epi-Atlantic have to be counted partly in the Atlantic, partly in the Sub-Boreal. Sub-Recent, according to the Hungarian practice can be considered to Recent. 4.3. Correlation of Mollusc fauna succession with the Hungarian data Beside the palynological data the results of vertebrate biostratigraphical examinations give excellent possibility to correlate the previously outlined succession progress. It is because the investigation of these two faunas performed by the ramains from the same sediments in case of majority of the examined localities. It is why the similarities and the accidental differences between the two faunas help well this investigation. Holocene vertebrate faunas of the Hungarian cave sediments was examined by KORDOS, L. (1981). In his study KORDOS by reason of the vertebrate faunas of the exposed sediments confirmed with new faunal phases which were set up by KRETZOI (1965, 1969) and established a new faunal phase. According to his classification tile cave-faunas of this study can be placed into the following vertebrate phases Rajót - period Characteristic feature of its fauna is the high percentage of Pleistocene species. But there are present undoubtedly the later spreading species, ton. Its upper boundary is the domonance of the newly appeared and spreading species over the Pleistocene species. Its localities are: Petényi-cave P H layers, Rejtek I.-rock shelter III. block. r v Körös - period Pleistocene species have secondary importance. Characteristic is the sudden expansion of certain species. Its localities are : Baradla-cavo : the: sediments of the Ossuary-hall, Petényicave IV. layer, Rejtek I.-rock shelter, II. block 4.-3. samples, sediments of Kôlyuk II .-cave . Bükk - period The minority of Pleistocene species had remained and were limited among close territories. The fauna became modern, undoubtedly. Its localities are : Petényi-cave H layer, Rejtek I.-rock shelter II. block 2. sample. m Köhát - period Its lower boundary is the final disappearance or drawing back of the Pleistocene species. The fauna is similar to the Recent. The only difference can be seen in dominance ratios. 2*