Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)
Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)
Its localities are : Kis-kőháti-shaft 4. sample, Petényi-cave H. layer, Rejtek I.-rock shelter II. block 1. sample, Rigó-hole 9.-6. samples. Alföld - period The fauna is influenced by the anthropogeneous activity. Characteristic feature is the increasing ratio of species preferring anthropogeneus enviroment. u Its localities are : Nagy-oldali - shaft 5.-0. samples, Petényi-cave I.-IT. layers, Rigó-hole 5.-1. samples. According to this stratigraphical ranging it is clear that it is inaccordance essentially with the malacostratigraphical one. It can be stated, that these two methods complete each other excellently, it why the complex malacological and vertebrate palaeontological examinations of the sediments may be successful in description of Holocene phases. Beside the correlation with vertebrate faunal periods the other possibility is the palynological and anthracotomical comparision. Data of the examined localities are the following: Rejtek I.-rock shelter: According to the anthracotomical examinations in the earlier part of the sediments of the third block Larix-Picea and Pinus are the dominant, while the upper layers contain Quercus , Tilia , Fraxinus , Ulmus , Salix , Acer , Carpinus , Fagus , Cory lus among the deciduous forest species. According to the vertebrate biostratigraphical ranging the age of the sediments is Bajót-period and the beginning of the Körös-period. Kfilyuk IT.-cave: According to the results of palynological examinations in samples from 9., namely under the layers containig neolithic culture, firstly the Coniferae ( Pinus silvestris ) are the dominant, after it occur the pollens of deciduous trees ( Betula , Tilia ) and Graminae . In samples from B. to 1. Coniferae are subordinate and more and more frequent the occurence of deciduous trees ( Tilia , Fraxinus , Betula , Alnus , Salix , Quercus , Cory lus ) . Here is apparent the change of coniferous and deciduous vegetation. This process of changing has been probable in the Mollusc fauna, too. On the basis of correlation presented itself the comparision of vertebrate and palynological data the first half of Bajót-period is equal to pine-birch (Pre-Boreal - Boreal) phase, while the end of Bajót-period and the whole Körösperiod is equal to hazel-oak (Boreal - Atlantic) phase. At last the third possibility for correlation may be performed by the use of archeological findings founded in the sediments of the examined caves, where these archeological findings, the malacological and vertebrate material occur together. Such is the Bükk culture, at the end of Neolithic Age (appr. 2800 3000 B.C., KALICZ, N. 1974). This culture s undisturbed layers were exposed with help of L. Kordos in Baradla-cave and in Kölyuk II.-cave. The sediment s vertebrate-faunistic and malacological characters present the same picture. According to the vertebrate stratigraphy the fauna signs the Körös-period, the Atlantic and the end of the Neolithic Age. This ranging is consistant with the results of the malacological examinations, which showed faunal cûinposition concordant with the atlantic phase. Further connections are : Rejtek I.-rock shelter II. block 4. phase - Neolithic Age - Atlantic phase, Nagy-oldali-shaft - Late Bronze Age - Sub-Boreal phase, Rigó-hole - Roman Age - Sub-Atlantic phase, Szentgál: Kölyuk-cave - Bronze Age - Sub-Boreal phase. 25