Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

of rock-steppe species like Granaria frumentum , Chondrula tridens can be demons­trated. In other places - e.g. on the basis of the examination of Rejtek I.-rock* shelter' s fauna - occur the species Chonririna clienta living at rocky areas and • the xerotherm Cochlicopa lubricella as accessory elements. The quantitative analysis of the dominance relations, within the faunal assemblages outlined above, shows a 30-80 % relative frequency of the open area preferring species (shrub vegetation, rock-steppe). The variability of 50 % is determined by local subassnciations as well as microclimatic parameters. 1.2. Fauna of the closed forest formation In sediments overlying the Early-Holocene strata, the composition of the fauna has been changed considerably. According to the characteristic faunal assemblages of Kölyuk II.-cave, Muflon-cave, Rejtek I.-rock shelter, Csúnya­valley I. rock shelter the relative frequency values of species preferring open area decrease, not reaching the value 30 4. The number of individual' s ratio decreases in case of the hitherto dominant ValJonia costata . And predominate the members of the closed forest fauna: the species nf the family Clausi 1i idae , like Orcula dolium , Helicodonta obvoluta , Achantinula aculeata , Acicula polita , Ca­rychium minimum , Vallonia pulchella , Isognomostoma isognomostoma , Daudebardia rufa , Daudebardia brevipes etc. Here we have to emphasize that in this succession phase the above mentioned description concerns to natural associations only, since this phase is equal with the Neolithic Age from the aspect of archeology, when we have to reckon with significant number of population, in the Carpathian-basin, so at, certain places the anthropogeneus influence is not negligible. The effect of anthro ­pogeneous activity on the fauna is a significant fauna-modifying factor. (The fauna of the Kölyuk II.-cave from the sediment above the lower fire - place­layer, or the fauna of the Rejtek I.-rock shelter, second sediment - block, the so called neolithic level). 1.3. Fauna of the secondary forest-steppe formation After the sediments containing the fauna of the closed forest vegetation we can find again strata with a fauna which is similar to that of the Early Holoce­ne. In the fauna of the Nagyoldali-shaft and Baradla-cave located in the Aggte- • lek Karst territory; in the fauna of the calcareous tufa mine sediments at Mó­nosbél, in the Kajlabérc-cave travertine and lime mud deposits of the Szalajka­valley near Szilvásvárad in the Biikk-mountains ; and in the fauna of the sediments of Kö-hole at Szentgál in the Bakony-mountains the ratio of those species which prefer open spaces increases again, and their relative frequency is surpassing the 30 '-. frequency limit. The increase in the number of species Granaria frumen­tum , Chondrula tridens , Pyramidula rupestris refers to the decreasing of the forest vegetation and to the spreading of the forest-steppe territories. In spite the increase of the steppe-elements' frequency, in contradiction to the faunal composition of the first succession phase the forest elements are dominating. In this phase, according to the archeplogical examinations, the anthropogeneous activity is remarkable. The agricultural work of the Bronze Age people had begun in the Carpathian-basin. 1.4. Development of the second phase closed forest fauna We cand find here the latest sediments of the Holocene age, which Mollusc fauna is characterized by the closed forest vegetation again. The fauna, origi­nating from the sediments of Kis-kohát-shaft , Rigó-hole, Kő-lik-cave, Muflon­cave, Háromágú-cave are predominated by species which prefer humid, warm climate: Acicula polita , Vertigo pusilla , Perforatella incarnata , Isoynomostoma isogno­mostoma , Clausilia pumila , Vestia turgida . Beside the 80 \ frequency of the forest species, we can state the complete lack of species preferring open-space vegetation (in natural associations). Only the presence of groove-forest species can be observed, like Aegopinella minor , Heliciqona faustina , Helix pomatia . 14

