Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

The succesion of Mollusc fauna of the Holocene medium high mountain ranges in Hungary In natural association the number of forest elements increase again, with predominance of species typical fnr humid, warm climate. E.g.: Acicula pnlita Vertigo pusilla Carychium tririentatum Orcula dolium The minimum of Granaria frumentum • The number of natural, original associ­ations decrease. The anthropogenic transformation of the environment increases. Beside the predominance of species of the closed forest also characteristic the species of open space and steppe, like: Granaria frumentum Chondrula tridens Pyramidula rupestris The frequency of steppe species does not reach 30 %. The closed deciduous forest remains as dominant association, but - as compared the preceding period - the ratio of open spaces increases. At some places the people of Rronze Age change significantly the natural vege­tation by growing grain crops. The faunal assemblage changes significantly. Species preferring open spaces and steppe subordinated. Гп natural associations the members of closed forest fauna is predomi­nant : m .-,. . . Clausilndae Truncatellina claustralis Orcula doliurn Vallania pu lehella Oxychilus orientális Qaudebardia rufa Vitrea diaphana It is the minimum of Vallania costata. Development of closed deciduous forests. Open spaces and rock steppes decrease. Bush vegetation is changed by forest. Palynological examinations indicate the predominance of deciduous trees: Quercus Alnus Fraxinus Salix Cory lus First signs of anthropogenic influence. Disappearance of Pleistocene species: Pupilla sterri Vallonia tenuil abris Relative frequency of species preferring open space and steppe is around 30-50 4: Granaria frumentum Cochlicopa lubricella Chondrina clienta Chondrula tridens Predominant: Vallonia costata ! The Late Pleistocene forest zones are substituted by more open karstic bush forests . Palynological investigations indicate the frequency of Gramineae wich refers to rock-steppe vegetation. 15

