Folia Historico-Naturalia Musei Matraensis - A Mátra Múzeum Természetrajzi Közleményei 16. (1991)

Fűköh, L.: Examinations on faunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase)

Fol. Hist.-nat. Mus. Matr., 16: 13-28, 1991 Examinations onfaunal-history of the Hungarian holocene Mollusc fauna (Characterization of the succession phase) FŰKÖH Levente Mátra Múzeum, Gyöngyös ABSTRACT: The results of phylngenetical , palaeoecological and biostratigrap­hical basic researches of regional value made by the help of malacofaunas which have infallible stratigraphie situations explored in the Hungarian mountain range with medium height and in young recess regions are represen­ted by author in his paper. There could be traced four fauna periods in the region of the mountain range with medium height and three ones in the recess regions. They are defined by correlation (anthracotomical , palynological , vertebrate palaeontological , archeological and absolute chronolgoical data, as well_as Central European malaco-zones) as hiozone of regional value. The Mollusc fauna acted as the main oecological indicator of the given terry­tory for long in case of the Hungarian guarter stratigraphie examinations. Its cause is twofold. Firstly the malacnlogical material is in contradiction to the vertebrate palaeoecological findings, can be found in great quantities. Secondly, the Hungarian quarter fauna is consist of species are present, also in the fauna nowdays, in the majority of cases. The oecological demands of recent species are well-known partly on the authority of foreign scientists and recently on the ba­sis of Hungarian malacologists . It is why that most of oecological data about the quarter formations were yielded by the examination of the Hungarian Mollusc fauna . Nowdays it is clear for us that the Quarter Mollusc fauna is suitable not only for palaeocological reconstructions but it helps in the dissection of the • Quarter sediments, too. It is mainly owing to Endre KROLQPP's activity. The re­sults are summarized in his study written in 1903. This study and the more and more intensive Holocene investigations enabled us to make an attempt (FŰKÖH, 1990), on the basis of malacology, at the examination the history of the last ten thousand years with the help of the exposed faunas. At first however we ha­ve to form acquaintances with the history of development of the Hungarian Holo­cene fauna. t 1. TERRITORY OF MEDIUM HIGH MOUNTAIN RANGES The most suitable regions for the examinations of the Holocene terrestrial mollusc faunas are the karstic medium high mountain ranges in Hungary (Bakony, Bükk, Aggteleki-karszt). Numerous caves and rock shelters served as natural traps accumulating continously the fauna of the enviroment. The great quantity and large sum of species made possible the outlineing of the faunal succession. 1.1. Steppe fauna nf the open areas These Holocene cave faunal assemblages can be characterized excellently by KROLOPP's (1973) statement observing the disappearance of the typical cold Pleistocene climate marker species ( Vallonia tenuilabris , Columella columella , Pupilla sterri ) after the last cold peak of the glacial, followed by not new Holocene immigrant species, hut ones already have been present in the fauna in a subordinate role, breaking forth due to the changes in dominance ratios. The changes in dominance relations are reflected well by the faunas of the Horváti­hole, the Kôlyuk II.-cave, the Rejtek 'I.-rock shelter and the Muflon-cave yiel­ding Early-Holocene assemblages. These faunas can be characterized by the domi­nance of species preferring an open - area enviroment. Beside the dominance of Vallonia costata which prefers open spaces of kastic shrub vegetation, presence 13

