Berecz Mátyás - Bujdosné Pap Györgyi - Petercsák Tivadar (szerk.): Végvár és mentalitás a kora újkori Európában - Studia Agriensia 31. (Eger, 2015)

POLGÁR MARIANNA: Adalékok a vasi végek 17. századi történetéhez. Csányi Bemát (1630-1664) katonai tevékenysége

1660. In 1662 we find him listed among the officers of the Körmend cavalry. In the meantime, in 1659 with the death of Ádám Batthyány, the Körmend estate came into the possession of Kristóf Batthyány, while the Csákány part of the Németújvár estate went to Pál. The final years of Bemát Csányi’s career are closely linked with the 1663/64 war. “Bemát Csányi also, forever urging his men on while endeavour­ing to hold up the Turks’ progress had his life ended by a janissary’s bullet while fighting honourably for his homeland. He was indeed an experienced officer, frequently taking those heroic deeds to their conclusion, which are also worthy of being immortalized in print. He was held in high regard by the Batthyánys.” This is how he was remembered by Pál Eszterházy in the Mars Hungaricus. 288

