Arrabona - Múzeumi közlemények 39/1-2. (Győr, 2001)

Tanulmányok - Kücsán József: A soproni belváros adófizetői 1810-ben

ARRABONA39.2001. TANULMÁNYOK 22 Fabricius i. m. 144. p. az 109-es hadisarc mértékéről; továbbá Hamar Gyula: Fiedler János Reichard kis krónikája. Soproni Szemle 1943. 77. p. (1-36. lap krónikaszöveg). Bőséges adatanyaggal a 19. század első évtizedének eseményeiről. Kücsán József: Taxpayers of the Downtown of Sopron in 1810 The essay deals with the employment, pecuniary and income relations of the taxpaying citizens living in the historical downtown of Sopron at the beginning of the 19th century. The analysis is based on a register of taxpayers in which a detailed list and classification by quality was included on the employment relations, and distribution of building and landed properties serving as the basis of taxation. Plough-lands, vineyard, orchards, cabbage-patches, vegetable gardens and hayfields were detailed separately among the landed properties. Craftsmen and merchants were taxed due to the profitability of their professions. The year chosen for the analysis followed two very hard years in the history of the town - in 1808 majority of the suburb was burnt down in a great fire, in 1809 Napoleon's army occupied and had been levying a contribution on Sopron for months. The imposed tax was high owing to these facts. The study presents the inhabitants of the district according to categories determined by the increase rate of the imposed tax - like a sociological view. 382

