A Herman Ottó Múzeum évkönyve 47. (2008)
Selján Éva-Veres János: Újabb lelőhelyek az Alföldi Vonaldíszes Kerámia kultúrájának korai időszakából Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében (Előzetes jelentés)
1997 Alföld Linear Pottery finds from Tiszalúc-sarkad. FolArch 46, 93-111. 2001 A Tiszalúc-sarkadi újkőkori falu feltárásának eddigi eredményei (BorsodAbaúj-Zemplén megye). - Die bisherigen Ergebnisse der Feilegungen in der neolitischen Siedlung von Tiszalúc-Sarkad (Komitat Borsod-AbaújZemplén). Régészeti kutatások Magyarországon 1998. - Archaeological Invenstigations in Hungary 1998. 7-24. Budapest Raczky P. 1983 A korai neolitikumból a középső neolitikumba való átmenet kérdései a Középés Felső-Tisza vidéken. Questions of transition between the Early and Middle Neolithic in the Middle and Upper Tisza region ArchÉrt. 110. 161-194. 1988 A Tisza-vidék kulturális és kronológiai kapcsolatai a Balkánnal és az Égeikummal a neolitikum, rézkor időszakában. Szolnok 1989 Chronological Framework of the Early and Middle Neolithic in the Tisza Region. In: Bökönyi Sándor (ed.), Neolithic of Southeastern Europe and its Near Easter connections. VAH 2. 233-251. Budapest Raczky P.-An der s A. 2003 The internal relations of the Alföld Linear Pottery culture in Hungary and the Characteristics of human representation. In: Jerem E.-Raczky P. (eds.), Morgenrot der Kulturen. Festschrift fúr Nándor Kalicz zum 75. Geburtstag. Archaeolingua 15. 155-182. Budapest. NEW EARLY ALFÖLD LINEAR POTTERY SITES IN COUNTY BORSOD-ABAÚJ-ZEMPLÉN (Preliminary report) The excavations preceding the motorway construction have brought to light the remains of several smaller and more extensive settlements of the formative Alföld Linear Pottery Culture (ALP) in the central and northerly regions of the Great Hungarian Plain, where the culture was distributed during its formative phase (Füzesabony-Gubakút: DOMBORÓCZKY 1997, 2001; Mezőkövesd-Mocsolyás: KALICZ-KOÓS 1997 and 2000; Mezőkövesd-Former military airground and Mczökövesd-Nagy tubulyka: Koós 2003; Novajidrány: CSENGERI 2003). New settlements from this period have been identified and investigated during the intensive field surveys and salvage excavations conducted in County Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén since 2005. The sites in question are the following: Muhi-Tatárjárás emlékmű [Mongolian invasion memorial], Hejőkürt (MOL, Site 9). Mezökeresztes-Repcsényes (MOL, Site 20), Hejöpapi-Hulladéklerakó [Waste dump], Site 4, Sajószentpéter, Site I, and another site has been recently excavated at Bükkábrány-Kőkúti dűlő (Bánya [Mine], Site II), where timber-framed longhouses were brought to light. Bükkábrány—Kökuti-dűtő The salvage excavation of the archaeological sites on the territory of the lignite mine was begun in October 2007 by the archaeologists of the Herman Ottó Museum. Uncovered at Site II was a Neolithic settlement, which yielded many finds related to cult life. One unique find is a small clay tablet decorated with geometric signs (PI. 1. 5) and a stylised centaur figurine (PL 1. I). The postholes of a timber-framed longhouse were uncovered on the highest point of the settlement. The finds and the settlement features share numerous similarities with the sites at Mezőkövesd-Mocsolyás and Füzesabony-Gubakút, both of which date from the formative ALP phase (ALP I).