A Herman Ottó Múzeum évkönyve 47. (2008)

Selján Éva-Veres János: Újabb lelőhelyek az Alföldi Vonaldíszes Kerámia kultúrájának korai időszakából Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében (Előzetes jelentés)

The remains allow the reconstruction of two above-ground longhouses built around a framework of upright timbers with a more or less similar, north-west to south-east orientation. A large clay extraction pit (Feature S83-85) lay some 10-15 m to the east, which yielded an abundance of finds, including the clay tablet, whose best analogy, a clay tablet with linear decoration, comes from the ALP I settlement at Mezőkövesd-Mocsolyás (KALICZ-KOÓS 1997; 2000, Fig. 9, 10). The centaur figurine recovered from a smaller refuse pit differs from the pieces found at Mezőkövesd-Mocsolyás and Füzesabony-Gubakút (KALICZ-KOÓS 1997, 2000; DOMBORÓCZKY 1997). Its best parallel can be quoted from Hejőpapi-Hulladéklerakó, Site 4, a site still being excavated. In addition to yielding information on the pottery forms and decorative motifs of the formative ALP phase, the finds also provide a more detailed picture of the culture's early phase, confirming the point made Nándor Kalicz and Judit Koós in 2000 that new finds will enable a refinement of the period's internal chronology and the more precise dating of the sites closer to the Körös or the classical ALP phase. Eva Selján-János Veres

