A Herman Ottó Múzeum Évkönyve 20. (1981)

CONTENTS ÉVÁM. KOZÁK: Archaeological Research in the Szalonna Calvinist Church 7 ILONA SCHÖNER-PUSZTAY: Reconstruction of the Calvinist Church in Szalonna . ... 39 MARIANNE HOKKY-SALLAI : Wall Paintings from the Middle Ages in the Szalonna Calvinist Church 53 JÁNOS BÉCSI-ATTILA PINTÉR: Restoration of the Wall Paintings in the Szalonna Cal­vinist Church 61 MIHÁLY DÉTSHY: History of Architecture of the Pnetime Trinitarian Monastery in Sá­rospatak 73 MÁRIA L. WOLF: Data on Settlement Distribution in County Abaúj 95 ISTVÁN DOBROSSY-LÁSZLÓ KÁRPÁTI: History of Architecture and Pieces of Art in the Mindszent Church 121 LÁSZLÓ VERES: Expansion of Secession in Miskolc at the Beginning of Our Century ... 147 LAJOS VÉGVÁRI: The Paintings of József Choma 159 TIVADAR PETERCSÁK: The First Picture Postcards 171 ISTVÁN DOBRIK: Photo/Graphics —Graphics/Photo 185 JÓZSEF SZABADFALVI: A Hand-Written Variant of a 17th c. Apiarian Book 201 GYULA VIGA: Data from the 19th c. Conserning the Miskolc Market Order 211 FERENC PISZTORA: The Importance of Folkloristic Information of Psychoatric Pathogra­phy for Folklore 223

