Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006

Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the dialogue programmes arranged jointly with Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic (Banská Bystrica, 16 November 2006, Piliscsaba, 17 November 2006) 311 Government decision on the approval of the Protocol of the 4 l h session of the Hungarian-Romanian Mixed Committee for Environment Protection (2194/2006.XI. 20.Korm.) 315 Government decision on the Hungarian contribution to the support granted to the Republic of Latvia at the time of the NATO summit on 28-29 November 2006 (2201/2006.XI. 22.Korm.) 315 Government decision on the National Answer to the NATO Defense Planning Questionnaire (DPQ - 2006) (2206/2006.XI.27.Korm.) 316 Information given by Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány in the National Assembly after his official visits to the Western Balkans 317 Letter of invitation written by President László Sólyom for the second programme of the series of conferences arranged with the participation of Hungarian intellectuals living abroad 319 Joint Declaration of the North Atlantic Council summit for heads of state and government (Riga, 29 November 2006) (the part of the Declaration containing the principles) 321 Government decision on the authorisation for the signing of the amendment of the Agreement on the Community Initiative „ESPON 2006 Programme" (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) (2207/2006.XI.30.Korm.) 326 Government decision on the signing (the acceptance) of the Joint Declaration on Reinforced Partnership between the North Rhine-Westphalia Province of Germany and the Republic of Hungary (2209/2006.XI.30.Korm.) 326 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the statement on the presently forming visa policy of the United States of America 326 December Government decision on the transfer of military equipment to NATO in the context of the fight against international terrorism (2217/2006.XII. 7.Korm.)... 328 Opening speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the international conference named "Europe in a World of Transformation", arranged in Budapest 328 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman ­on the official Hungarian position on the recent further sentence concerning the Bulgarian health experts detained in Libya 331 XX

