Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006
Act CXXXIV of 2006 on the amendment of Act II of 2005 on the Motherland Fund and on the amendment of Act XVI of 2005 amending the former 331 Government decision on the transitional regulations to be applied by the Republic of Hungary concerning the free movement of labour after the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania to the European Union (entry into force: on 1 January 2007!) (354/2006.XII.23.Korm.) 334 Government decision on the tasks related to the 10 year plans of the Hungarian Army and the NATO/EU planning documents (2246/2006.XII.23.Korm) 336 Government decision on the authorisation of military movements involving border crossing in 2007 (entry into effect: on 1 January 2007!) (2247/2006. XII.23. Korm.) 337 Government decision on the amendment by the exchange of notes of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of the Republic of Albania on international road transport of passengers and goods (2253/2006.XII.23.Korm.) 338 III. FACTS and FIGURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY - 2006 341-468 List of diplomatic and consular relations of the Republic of Hungary (the situation on December 31. 2006) 343 A summary relative to the foregoing 376 Heads of Hungarian missions to intrnational organizations (the situation on December 31. 2006) 378 Defence, Military and Air Attachés (and Assistants) of the Republic of Hungary (the sitiation on December 31. 2006) 380 Trade representations (and their chiefs) of the Republic of Hungary (the situation on December 31. 2006) 384 Honorary Consuls and Consul-generals of the Republic of Hungary (the situation on December 31. 2006) 385 Membership of the Republic of Hungary in international organizations (the situation on December 31. 2006) 414 Hungarian membership, offices, mandate in the elected of appointed bodies of United Nations and its specialized agencies and other international organizations (the situation on December 31. 2006) 418 Within the foregoing mandate to peacekeeping and monitoring 424 XXI