Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 2006

„Budapest '56 - Declaration of Freedom" (Accepted by the heads of delegation of 56 states and international organisations in Budapest on 23 October 2006) 295 Message sent by President László Sólyom to the participants of the presentation of the book titled "India and the 1956 Hungarian Revolution" at the embassy of the Republic of India in Budapest 296 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremonial session of the European Parliament arranged on the occasion of the 50 t h anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (Strasbourg, 25 October 2006) 298 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the ceremony arranged on the 100 t h anniversary of the bringing home and the reburial of the mortal remains of Ferenc Rákóczi II and his partners in exile (Kosice, 29 October 2006) 300 Government decision on the transfer without consideration of the special military clothing materials given on the basis of NATO's request in order to support the execution of the tasks performed by the Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) within the operations of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (2183/2006.X.30.Korm.) 301 Communiqué of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - by the way of its Spokesman ­on the official Hungarian position concerning the results of the referendum arranged in the Republic of Serbia on the constitution 302 November Communiqué of the Office of the President of the Republic of Hungary on the official visit paid by President László Sólyom to the Vatican City State 303 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the memorial session arranged at ,th La Sapienza University of Sciences in Italy on the occasion of the 50 anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution (Rome, 7 November 2006) 303 Government decision on the transfer without consideration of the special military clothing materials to alleviate the state of emergency that evolved in Lebanon because of the fights (2188/2006.XI.8.Korm.) 306 Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official Hungarian position concerning the armed clashes in the Gaza Area 307 Speech delivered by President László Sólyom at the programme of the National Day for Croatians in Hungary (arranged jointly with Croatian President Stjepan Mesic) 307 Speech delivered by Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány at the opening of the 2 nd Joint Session of the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Romania (Budapest, 16 November 2006) 309 XIX

