Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996
Iníbrmatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official Hungarian assessment of the agreement between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Croatia 202. President Árpád Göncz's address at the session of the North Atlantic Council 203. Statement delivered by Prime Minister of the Republic of Hungary Gyula Horn after the joint signature of the Hungarian-Romanian basic treaty 209. Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 78/1996.IX. 19.) OGy.) on the use of the airspace of the Republic of Hungary by NATO aircraft 211. Decree of the Government (No. 145/1996.IX. 19.Korm.) on the promulgation of the agreement titled "The setting-up of a sub-regional FAO Office in Central and Eastern Europe", concluded by the government of the Republic of Hungary and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) 212. October Act No. LXXIII/ 1996. on the promulgation of the Agreement on the acceptance of persons at the common state frontier, signed on October 20, 1992, between the government of the Republic of Hungary and the government of the Republic of Slovenia 216. Decree of the Government (No. 150/ 1996.X.l.Korm.) on the promulgation of the Agreement, signed on January 16. 1995. on the modification of the July 4. 1990, agreement between the government of the Republic ol Hungary and the government of the French Republic on the abolition of compulsory visas for visits of short duration 221. XVIII