Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1996

Resolution fo the National Assembly (No. 79/ 1996.X.2. OGy.) on the ratification of the European Convention on curbing of terrorism 175. Foreign Minister László Kovács's address at the 51st session of the UN General Assembly 225. Resolution of the National Assembly (No.83/1996.X.9. OGy.) on the ratification of the Agreement on the handing over and acceptance of persons at the state border signed on April 21, 1996. between the goverment of the Republic of Hungary and the government of the Republic of Bosnia­Herzegovina 232. Resolution of the National Assembly (No. 84/ 1996.X.9.) OGy.) on the ratification of the Protocol, signed on September 21. 1995, between the government of the Republic of Hungary and the government of the Czech Republic on (he international and inlerministerial agree­ments in force on December 31, 1992 232. Lecture delivered by Foreign Minister László Kovács al the 34th Congress of the Confederation of European Journalists.. 233. Act No. LXX1X/1996. on the ratification and promulga­tion of the Agreement on the confidence- and security­building measures supplementing the 1994 Vienna Document of the OSCE and the development of military ties, signed on September 6, 1996, between the government of the Republic of 1 Iungary and the govern­ment of Romania 236. November Resolulion of the National Assembly (No. 90/ 1996.X1. 1. OGy.) on the ratification of the Convention on the pro­hibition of (he development, manufacture, accumulation, and use of chemical weapons and on their annihilation, signed on January 13. 1993 239 XIX

