Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1994
Informatory of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position relating the Hungarian-Slovakian and the Hungarian-Roumanian relations 201. Informatory by Prime Minister Gyula Horn at the plenary session of the National Assembly about the first 75-day-activity of the Government (Chapter "Foreign Policy") 202. October Foreign Minister László Kovács' address at the XLIX. session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York 205. Foreign Minister László Kovács' opening address at the CSCE Review Conference in Budapest 212. Informatory of the Ministiy for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position concerning the recent turns in the region of the Persian Gulf. 218. Foreign Minister László Kovács' lecture at the Institute of France for International Relations (IFRI) in Paris 218. November Informatory of the Ministiy for Foreign Affairs (by its spokesman) on the official position relating the conclusion of the IsraeliJordanian peace treaty 230. Foreign Minister László Kovács' lecture at the international conference of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Budapest 230. Foreign Minister László Kovács' speech at the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Central European Initiative (CEI) in Turin 241. XV