Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1994

Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the member-states of CEFTA (Poznan, November 25th, 1994) 246. December Prime Minister Gyula Horn's address at the Summit Meeting of the CSCE member-states in Budapest 248. Resolution No. 66/1994.(XII. 15.)OGy. by the National Assembly on the ratification of the Framework Document of the "Partnership for Peace" Program signed with the NATO 251. III. FACTS and FIGURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF HUNGARY 253-362. List of diplomatic and consular relations of the Republic of Hungary (December 31, 1994) 255. A summary relative to the foregoint 287. Heads of Hungarian missions to international organizations (December 31. 1994) 289. Defence, Military and Air Attaches (and Assistant Military and Air Attachés) of the Republic of Hungary (December 31. 1994) 290. Commercial Counsellors of the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Hungary as well as Heads of trade representations and trade offices (December 31, 1994) 295. Honorary Consuls and Consul-Generals of the Republic of Hungary (December 31, 1994) 306. Membership of the Republic of Hungary in international organiza­tions (December 31. 1994) 321. XVI

