Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1993

Resolution No. 10/1993. (III.5.)OGy. by National Assembly on realization of the European Articles of Partnership (Brussels, 16th December, 1991) between the Republic of Hungary and the European Community and its member-states 164. Resolution No. 11/1993.(III.5.)OGy. by National Assembly on the principles for security politics of the Republic of Hungaiy 165. Statement delivered by the Government of the Republic of Hungary concerning the international role of the Russian Federation 171. Informatory by the Office of Cabinet Spokesman about the diplomatic steps relating to the Hungarian­Russian relationship 1 72. Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky's inaugural address at the Foreign Ministers' meeting of the member-states of the Central-European Initiative (CEI) I 73. Joint Declaration of the Foreign Ministers of the states participating in the Centx-al-European Initiative (CEI) I 7S. Resolution No. 15/1993.(III.26,)OGy. by National Assembly on the ratification of the European Outline Convention on Trans-Frontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities and Authorities 18M. Resolution No. 16/1993.(111.26.)OGy. by National Assembly on the ratification of the European Charter of Local Self­governments 1 H- ;. Informatory by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungaiy (by its spokesman) about the Hungarian standpoint relat­ing the internal situation in Angola 185. XIV

