Magyar Külpolitikai Évkönyv, 1993

April Informatory by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Hungary (by its spokesman) about the Hungarian standpoint relat­ing the internal situation in Kambodia 186. Special Agreement fixed up by the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Slovakia on submitting their debate concerning the Bős-Nagymaros case to the International Court of Justice - the Hague 186. Address delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the European Foreign Ministers' meeting arranged by Denmark (Copenhagen) 191. Address delivered by Foreign Minister Géza Jeszenszky at the general meeting of the Christian-Democratic Party (Democrazia Crtistiana) of Italy (Trieste) 197. Communique issued by the Office of Cabinet Spokesman concerning the veterinary embargo imposed by the Euro­pean Community against the Hungarian exports 200. Communique issued by the Office of Cabinet Spokesman relating the UN Security Council's resolution on thigten­ing the sanctions ordered against Serbia and Montenegro 201. Joint Communique on the work meeting of the Prime Minister of Hungaiy and the President of Ukraine 202. May Communique issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the Main Treaty concluded by the Republic of Hungary and Ukraine in connection with the expected confirmation of the Treaty 205. XV

