Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2017 (97. évfolyam)

2017 / 1. szám

2 Hidrológiai Közlöny 2017. 97. évf. 1. sz. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology Journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Published quarterly Editor-in-Chief: János Fehér Assistant Editors: Éva Ács Károly KONECSNY László Nagy Editorial Board Chairman: András SzÖLLŐSI-Nagy Editorial Board Members: Éva ÁCS, Gábor BARANYAI, Mária BezdÁN, Péter Bíró, Tibor Bíró, János Bogárdi, Géza CsÖRNYEl, Zsuzsanna Engi, János Fehér, Lász­ló Fejér, Balázs Fekete, Tamás Gampel, Jó­zsef Gayer, Géza Hajnal, István Ijjas, Vera Istvánovics, János Józsa, Zoltán Kling, Ká­roly KONECSNY, Sándor KOVÁCS, Veronika Major, Zoltán Melicz, László Nagy, |Béla Nováky|, Judit RÁKOSI, Pál ROMÁN, Já­nos Adolf Szabó, Ferenc Szilágyi, József Szilágyi, Lajos Szlávik, János Szolgay, Pé­ter SzŰCS, János Tamás, István VÁGÁS, Zoltán Vekerdy Publisher: Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone:+36-(l)-201-7655; Fax:+36{l>202-7244; Email: titkarsag@hidrologia.hu Web: www.hidrologia.hu Represented by: Lajos Szlávik, President of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Email: litkarsag@hidrologia.hu Advertising: Tamás Gampel, Secretary General of the Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone: +36-( 1 >-201 -7655; Fax:+36{l>2Q2-7244; Email: fotitkar@hidrologia.hu Indexed in: Appl. Mech.; Rew. Chem.; Abstr. Fluidex.; Geotechn. Abstr.; Meteor / Geoastrophys. Abstr. Sei.; Water Res. Abstr. Index: 25374 HU ISSN 0018-1323 Contents FOREWORD ..................................................................................3 100 YEARS ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE OF MHT János ÁDER: Presidential welcome.................................................5 Lajos SZLÁVIK: The speech of the president of the Hungarian Hydrological Society .................................................................6 László LOVÁSZ: Welcome speech of the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences...............................................9 Csaba KÖRÖSI: Outcomes of the Budapest Water Summit 2016 .........................................................................................10 Imre HOFFMANN: Our water resources management and the Hungarian Hydrological Society .............................................12 András SZÖLLŐSI-NAGY: Quo vadis Hungarian hydrology? ... 14 Awards ceremony Prof. János BOGÁRDI ............................................................17 Prof. Charles J. VÖRÖSMARTY ...........................................18 Expression of thanks by Prof. János BOGÁRDI ....................18 Signum Aquae medal for the 100 years old Hungarian Hyd­rological Society ......................................................................19 Lajos SZLÁVIK: Closing speech..................................................20 PAPERS Judit RÁKOSI, Gábor UNGVÁRI, András KIS: The economic policy concept assisting sustainable water management and the execution of river basin management plans .....................21 István NAGY, Szilvia MÉSZÁROS, Judit RÁKOSI: Condi­tion of Ráckeve (Soroksár) Danube-branch, realized and necessary measures for water quality improvement .............32 Zoltán KUN: Natural water retention measures - European overview and Hungarian relevance..........................................52 Árpád Ferenc LORBERER, Tamás TÓTH: The forgotten Fürdő-sziget (Bath Island) of Budapest and the utilization of its thermal springs ...................................................................59 FORUM László VERMES: Step-child of the water management .............66 OBITUARY Dr. Béla NOVÁKY by Géza JOLÁNKAI...............................76 Cover page: The front page of the Commemorative Card made by the Magyar Posta Zrt. for the centennial anniversary of the Hungarian Hydrological Society.

