Hidrológiai Közlöny, 2017 (97. évfolyam)
2017 / 1. szám
2 Hidrológiai Közlöny 2017. 97. évf. 1. sz. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology Journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Published quarterly Editor-in-Chief: János Fehér Assistant Editors: Éva Ács Károly KONECSNY László Nagy Editorial Board Chairman: András SzÖLLŐSI-Nagy Editorial Board Members: Éva ÁCS, Gábor BARANYAI, Mária BezdÁN, Péter Bíró, Tibor Bíró, János Bogárdi, Géza CsÖRNYEl, Zsuzsanna Engi, János Fehér, László Fejér, Balázs Fekete, Tamás Gampel, József Gayer, Géza Hajnal, István Ijjas, Vera Istvánovics, János Józsa, Zoltán Kling, Károly KONECSNY, Sándor KOVÁCS, Veronika Major, Zoltán Melicz, László Nagy, |Béla Nováky|, Judit RÁKOSI, Pál ROMÁN, János Adolf Szabó, Ferenc Szilágyi, József Szilágyi, Lajos Szlávik, János Szolgay, Péter SzŰCS, János Tamás, István VÁGÁS, Zoltán Vekerdy Publisher: Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone:+36-(l)-201-7655; Fax:+36{l>202-7244; Email: titkarsag@hidrologia.hu Web: www.hidrologia.hu Represented by: Lajos Szlávik, President of the Hungarian Hydrological Society Email: litkarsag@hidrologia.hu Advertising: Tamás Gampel, Secretary General of the Hungarian Hydrological Society H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25., Hungary Phone: +36-( 1 >-201 -7655; Fax:+36{l>2Q2-7244; Email: fotitkar@hidrologia.hu Indexed in: Appl. Mech.; Rew. Chem.; Abstr. Fluidex.; Geotechn. Abstr.; Meteor / Geoastrophys. Abstr. Sei.; Water Res. Abstr. Index: 25374 HU ISSN 0018-1323 Contents FOREWORD ..................................................................................3 100 YEARS ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE OF MHT János ÁDER: Presidential welcome.................................................5 Lajos SZLÁVIK: The speech of the president of the Hungarian Hydrological Society .................................................................6 László LOVÁSZ: Welcome speech of the president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences...............................................9 Csaba KÖRÖSI: Outcomes of the Budapest Water Summit 2016 .........................................................................................10 Imre HOFFMANN: Our water resources management and the Hungarian Hydrological Society .............................................12 András SZÖLLŐSI-NAGY: Quo vadis Hungarian hydrology? ... 14 Awards ceremony Prof. János BOGÁRDI ............................................................17 Prof. Charles J. VÖRÖSMARTY ...........................................18 Expression of thanks by Prof. János BOGÁRDI ....................18 Signum Aquae medal for the 100 years old Hungarian Hydrological Society ......................................................................19 Lajos SZLÁVIK: Closing speech..................................................20 PAPERS Judit RÁKOSI, Gábor UNGVÁRI, András KIS: The economic policy concept assisting sustainable water management and the execution of river basin management plans .....................21 István NAGY, Szilvia MÉSZÁROS, Judit RÁKOSI: Condition of Ráckeve (Soroksár) Danube-branch, realized and necessary measures for water quality improvement .............32 Zoltán KUN: Natural water retention measures - European overview and Hungarian relevance..........................................52 Árpád Ferenc LORBERER, Tamás TÓTH: The forgotten Fürdő-sziget (Bath Island) of Budapest and the utilization of its thermal springs ...................................................................59 FORUM László VERMES: Step-child of the water management .............66 OBITUARY Dr. Béla NOVÁKY by Géza JOLÁNKAI...............................76 Cover page: The front page of the Commemorative Card made by the Magyar Posta Zrt. for the centennial anniversary of the Hungarian Hydrological Society.