Hidrológiai Közlöny 2008 (88. évfolyam)

2. szám - Marton Lajos: A hidrogeológia alapvető hidraulikai kérdései: A zárt és átszivárgó vízadó rendszerek hidraulikájának áttekintése

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Közi., 80 (2): 126-127 Wenzel LK (1936): The Thiem method for determining permeability of wa­ter-bearing materials, Report Water-Supplyy Paper 679-A, US Geol Surv, Washington, DC Walton WC (1960): Leaky artesian aquifer conditions in Illinois: Report of Investigation No. 39, Illinois State Water Survey, 1960. Walton WC (1970): Groundwater Resource Evaluation, McGraw-Hill, New York. A kézirat beérkezett: 2007. október 11-én MARTON LAJOS dr., oki. vízépítő mérnök, a műszaki tudomány kandidátusa (hidrológia), 1951-ben kap diplomát a Budapesti Műszaki Egyete­men. A fővárosban, majd 1966-tól Debrecenben dolgozik, hidrogeológiai és izotóphidrológiai kutatásokat végez, másodállásban főiskolai docens, később a Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet tudományos tanácsadója. Jelenleg az MTA Debreceni Területi Bizott­ságában a Hidrológiai Munkabizottság elnöke. 2007-ben elkészült az Alkalmazott Hidrogeológia c. könyvének kézirata. Basic features of hydraulics in hydrogeology: review of hydraulics of confined and leaky aquifers Marton, L. Abstract: A principal issue of hydrogeology is to what extent stratified geologic formations are permeable or closed to moving water. During the evolution of ground­water hydraulics during the last hundred and fifty years numerous problems have been solved, although conceptual differences still remain. After the publication of Darcy's law (1856) Dupuit (1863) provided the first analytical solutions to steady-state groundwater flow to wells in confined and unconfined aquifers. In 1870 A. Thiem modified Dupuit's formulae, but it took 40 years before these equations were used for well-test interpretation (Thiem 1906). The Dupuit-Thiem formula has been known as the equilibrium equation. The concept of an ideally confined aquifer of infinite areal extent producing water from storage by elastic co­mpression and without recharge was formulated by Theis. The Theis, or non-equilibrium formula has introduced the time factor into the equation of radial flow to a well. In later works, the concept of multi-aquifer systems were developed in which aquifers can receive water through subjacent and superjacent aquitards. The problem was mathematically analysed first by Dutch hydrologists and engineers, and later by Jacob and Hantush. The first important Russian contribution on this subject came from Mjatiev, who analyzed the interaction of pervious strata separated by semiconfining beds. Hubbert (1940) published "The Theory of Ground-Water Motion", a paper that still remains definitive. He examined the physical meaning of the fluid potential, derived a tangent law for the refraction of flow lines, and established the foundations for the study of regional groundwater systems. In the 1960's attention has a­gain turned to the regional scale, with the groundwater basin as the unit of hydrological study. Tóth (1962, 1963) obtained solutions by analytically modeling flow patterns in a two-dimensional homogeneous basin for two different water-table configurations. Freeze and Whitherspoon (1966, 1967) followed up the work by developing a method of analysing regional groundwater flow based on numerical mathematical models. The works of two Hungarian researchers. Halász and Székely (1979) in the context of leaky aquifer systems are worth to mention. Development of hydraulics ba­sed on higher mathematics related to the non-Euclidean Bolyai geometry represents a distinct Hungarian contribution to the science. Vágás (1994, 1999) has shown that the set of curves giving the general solution of the differential equation y — y / can be described by exponential equations and also has properties characteristic of non-Euclidean geometries in the Euclidean plane. The geometry of exponential lines corresponds to the Bolyai geometry in many theorems. It was revealed that the ka factor in the Bolyai geometry (known as Bolyai inflexion length) was the same as the "leakage factor" B in modem hydraulics. It was thus shown that some geometric statements can be considered to be expressions ofhydraulic concepts at the same time. Key words: hydrogeology, hydraulics, confined and leaky aquifer systems, non-Euclidean geometry

