Hidrológiai Közlöny 1960 (40. évfolyam)

6. szám - Kovács György: Felszíni vizek mentén húzódó megcsapoló csatorna méretezése

Kovács Gy.: Megcsapoló csatornák méretezése Hidrológiai Közlöny 1960. 6. sz. 459 alatti szivárgás vizsgálatában. Vízügyi Közlemények. (Sajtó alatt.) ti. Leliavszky, S. : Irrigation and hydraulic design. London, 1955. 7. Pavlovszkij, N. N. : Tho Thoory of Ground-Water Flow beneath Hyd rotoehnieal Struetura. Orosz nyelven megjelent Leningrádban 1922-ben, angol nyelven benyújtva a Nagy Gátak első kong­resszusára, Stockholm, 1933. 3li. tanulmány a 27. kér­déscsoportban. 8. Pavlovszkij, N. N. : (Összegyűjtött munkái) Mosz­kva, Leningrád, 1956. PACMET JfPEHMPyiOmMX KAHAJIOB, PACIIO­J10>KEHI IblX B^OJlb FIOBEPXHOCTHblX BOfl flp. JJb. Koiia'i KaHfl. Texu. nayi<. LI,CJIIO crarbH ÍIUJIHCTCH pa3paüOTi<a raKoro pacMci­HOI'O MCTO/ia, c IIOMOIUbK) KOTOpOl'O MO>KHO yCT3H0BHTb cBH3b Me>«;;y pa3McpaMit ApeHiipyiomcro Katiajia, pac­nojioweHHoro B/iojib noBcpxnocTHoro BOAHOCO upocTpaH­CTBa, ypoBHCM flenpcccun u criocoonocrbio BOAonpneMa. ripit BMBOAC iicKOMbix 3aBHCMM0CTCH npcAnojiarajm, MTO AHIIJKCHIIC BOAbi HaXOAIITCH B OŐJiaCTII, AJ1H KOTOpOÍÍ 33K0H Hapcii ACIICTBHTCJICH, nOTOK IIMCCT ABC pa3Mep­UOCTII II HBJIHOTCH noTenunajibHbiM. rpammHbie ycjiOBiin AJIH npocTpaHCTBa N0T0KA npHHHMajincb TSKIIM oöpaaoM, MTO BOAOHOCHblH CJIOH B C0piI30HTa JlbHOM HanpaBJICHlllI ne pa3i paHHMimacTCH, a ero HHHCHHH nOBcpxHOCTb ÍIBJIÍI­CTCH r0pu30HTajibH0ti NJIOCKOCTBIO. Ciicpxy NOKPWBAETCH BOAOHcnpoHimacMbiM noKpuBaioiniiM CJIOCM, iicpi'A 3AK-* pi.iToií ncpeAiicií uacTbio BXOAH3JI noBepxHOCTb HBJIHCTCJI raKHíc r0pH30HTajibH0fl njioci<ocTbio. KpiiBan AenpeccHH imrAC HC noHM>KaeTCH noA HH>KHIOIO noBepxnocTb noi<pw­Baiomero CJIOA, HTSK BO;UI nea/ie ABHÍKCTCH IIOA nanopoM II HIII AC HC HMeeT CBOŐOAHOÜ ílÓBepXHOCTH. HcxoAa H3 OTIIX rpaHHMHwx ycjioBiiii nepBOHanajib­noe npoeTpaHeTBo rioTOKa MO>KHO npeoőpa30BaTb nvrcM MHoroKpaTHbix TpaHcitiopMamiií na MeTwpcx yrojibHoe II iipHMoyrojibiioc nojie noTona. OtAeJibUbic marii 3Toro npeoöpaaoBaHiiíi noKaaaHbi na (fiusypax 1—5. II B ypaB­HCHUHX (1) (13). riojiyMHB cTpyKTypy noroi<a, COCTOJI­myio 113 eflHHHMHbix napajuiejibHbix TOKOB, MO>KHO Haim­C3Tb C IIOMOIUblO OTOI'O HCnOCpeACTBCHliyiO CBH3b MOK/iy yiiOMírnyTbiMii rpeMsr ncpcMeHiibiMii — ACÖHTOM q, AC­npeccneH // u BejiHMHHOH Y 0, xapaKTepH3yioineií rco­AicTpiiMecKiic pa3Mepi.i Kauajia [sypaeneHue (14) \. 3aAa'ia MO>KCT cMiiTaTboi pa.ipemeHHoii rojibKo TorAa, i<orAa KPOMC DTOÍÍ CBH3II HanHuieM 3aBiiciiMocTb Me>KAy pa.iMepaMii KaHajia H nepeMCHHbi.Mii F 0, xapaic­TcpH3ylouiHAi pas.Mcpbi Kaiiajia. C iioMonibio ipaiicijiop­MaunoHHbix ypaBHeHiiií JICPKO MO>KHO HanncaTb n 3Ty 3aBHCHMOCTb \sypaeHemm (15)—(18)]. flpcAnojiaraji OTHOcuTejibHO IIJIOCKHÍÍ, unipoKHH Kanaji, rjiyŐHHa ero ne BJiHHeT na BejiHMimy Y 0, xapaKTepii3yiomyK) rco­MCTpilMeCKHC pa3MCpbI CHCTeMbl. 3T0 33BHCHT TOJibKO OT MOIUHOCTII m BOAOHOCHOrO CJ1051, OT K03(|)HIlHeHT0B 6 II cr, xapaKTepH3yioiniix i0pH30HTajibii0e HOJIOKCHIIC i<anajia, Aajiee B ne3HaMiiTCjibHOH Mepe OT mnpiiHbi Kanajia. ( 71 L \ 6 ­i (e I- i) 2 i/e—i ( ™ 2 th — l 2 -4 L 2 th ( 7T (9) (10) MHCJICHHOC ."jliaMCHHC M0JKH0 IlOJiyMIITb 110 OAHOAiy 113 BbipaWCHHH (17). BejlHMIIHbl X, II X, B (JlOpMyjiaX 03Ha­M3I0T paCCTOflHHH OT TOMKH nepCCeMCHIIH HIIJKHCFI njlOC­KOCTH noKpbiBaiouicro CJIOH c OTKOCOM KaHajia AO ueiiTpa Acnpecciin, Tai<HM 0öpa30M cyMMa OTIIX Asyx BCJIHMHH GyAeT II IIIHpilHOH aKTI-IBHOH HH(})HJlbTpaaHOHHOH 30HbI KaHajia. TOMIIOC ee nojio>KCHiie H BejiHMiiHbi x, 11 x 3 onpeflejijiioTCH nyTeM riocreneHHoro npii6jiii>KCHii>i 113 yCJIOBHJI, MTOÖbl 3aBHCHM0CTII (17) AaJlII TOM<AeCTBCHHbie BCJlIIMHUbl Fj. 3TOT MCTOA őbicTpo II jierno MO>KHO npHMeHinb, i<ai< noKa3biBaioT npiíMcpbi. B cJiyMae MaccoBbix pacMeTOB ucjiecoo6pa3Hü cocTamiTb BcnoMoraTejibHbie rpaiJniKii ($ae. 6.). FpamiMHbic ycjiOBiiji, iipimeACHUbie B MCTOAC, XO­pOIIIO COBIiaAaiOT C IipUpOAUblMlI AailHblMII — OCOÖCHIIO B cjiywae ApcHupyiomiix CIICTCM, co3Aaniibix BAOJIB noA­Iiopilbix BOAHblX ripOCTpailCTB. TaKHM 06pa30M TeOpCTII­MeCKIIMII BblBOAaMII yAOBJICTBOpHIOTCH fipaKTHMeCKIIC NOTPEÖHOCTH H — no iiamcMy MHCHIIIO — n SYAYUIEM 03H3M3I0T IIOMOlUb AJIH lipOeKTIipOBIHIIKOB Iipil OnpCAC­jiemin BOAonpiiCMiioii CHOCOGHOCTH KaHajiOB. Design of Drainage Canals along Open Walercourses By Dr. Gy. Kovács Oandidate of Technical Sciences I. Drainage capacity of the canal The purpose of the present paper is to develop a ('omputation mothod suitable to establish a relati­onship between the dimensions, the drawdown curve and the draining capacity of a drainage canal running parallel to an open watersurface. In deriving the desired relationship it has been assumed that the move­ment. of water takes placc wit hin the validity íimits of t.bo Darcy law, that flow is two dimonsional and poten­tial. Boundary conditions of the space within which flow takes placc, have beon determined in the following manner : the water boaring layer is unlimited in its horizontal extension, while its lower boundary is förmed by a horizontal pláne. On the upper side the lavór is limited by an impervious eover, while the entrance surface before the covoroiI forefield is similarly a horizontal pláne. The drawdown curve has been assumed to remain over its entire length above tho lower surface of the impervious cover, so that the movement of water occurs t.hroughout undor pressure, i. e., free-flow conditions do not ensue. Starting from the boundary conditions outlined above, the originál flow-net can be transformed by means of several transformations into a rectangular flow not. Individual stops of the proeeduro involved are illustrated in Figs. 1 to 5, as well as by Eqs. (1) tö (13). Having produced the flow net consisting of parallel lines, the direct relationship between tho three above-mentioned variables, namely the discharge q, the drawdown H and the value Y 0 which latter is charaeteristic of the goometrieal dimensions of the canal, can be written up by the aid thoreof— Eq. (14). The problem may not be considered as solvod unless alsó the relationship between tho dimensions of the canal and the variable Y 0 charaeteristic of these has beon established. This can alsó be readily aocom­plishod by the aid of the transformation equations —­Eqs. (15) to (18). Considering a relatively wide canal of shallow depth, the depth of tho canal doos not affeot tho value V n oharacterizing the geometrical dimen­sions of the system. This value now depends on the thickness m of the water bearing layer, the coefficients ő and tr oharacterizing the horizontal position of the canal —+1 n \ 2 ml ő - — —•= ­— 1 1 — th í— —| V 2 ML (9) (10) 2 th and to a small extent upon the width of tho canal. Its numerical value may be computed from one of Eqs. (17). The magnitudes and x 3 are the distances from the drawdown center to tho lower surface of tho cover and to the point of intersection of the canal slopes, respec­tivcly, thorefore tho sum of the two magnitudes is

