1988. augusztus (184-207. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

®m£ Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street » London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 185/1988 (E) 4th August, 1988 The YDA’s Draft Programme is Completed More than four months ago - on April lst - the Young Democrats Alliance was formed membership_ of which has already exceeded 1000. Although the political leadership have never unequivocally stated whether they consider the new youth organisation legal the IDA has held a number of meetings and its spokespeople have stressed several times that its formation and operation is legal in every sense. The YDA has nőt organised Central meetings during the summer bút plans to hold its first national congress at the beginning of October, this is expected to last several days: they wish to debate and adopt their programme and its rules of operation, they will alsó elect the new leadership of the organisation. The preparations have reached a crucial point. The committee, consisting of those who applied to jóin in the May l^th mass meeting at the Jurta Theatre and those who joined later, have completed the draft programme which was sent to all YDA members so it could be debated and further modifying proposals were asked from them. The draft programme is very thorough and is divided intő ten sections, its fundamental tenent is democracy - the free organisation of individual and group interests, the freedom to express and implement dissenting views which do nőt infringe humán rights - and it condemns both open and hidden dictatorships and espouses the principle of non-violence. A debate on the draft programme has already begun within the membership. On Friday - July 29th - the YDA,s workers group held a meeting and drafted a statement about the law being drawn up on the right to assemble and unité. This was sent to the YDA’s committee. aZj j Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.

