1988. augusztus (184-207. szám) / HU_BFL_XIV_47_2

©SGML Editor: György Krassó * 24/D Little Russell Street * London, WC1A 2HN * Tel. 01-430 2126 (írom abroad 441-430 2126) 186/1988 (E) 9th August, 1988 Greater Freedom in the Hungárián Mass Media In recent weeks signs of an increasingly free spirit and of somé pluralism have appeared in the Hungárián mass média. Meanwhile the Magyar Hírlap ("Hungárián News") continues its series of attacks against the Jurta Theatre, in yesterday’s edition a letter reviling the director of the company was published, on the 30th July the Magyar Nemzet ("Hungárián Nation") defended the theatre. On August 4-th in Magyar / * Nemzet Dr. Antal Adam, Professor of constitutional law at the Janus Pannonius University in Pécs, demanded the right to appeal to the courts against all police decisions which limit personal freedom, however in Népszabadság ("Peoples Freedom") the Deputy Minister of Justice expounded the nőt entirely original bút very contemp- orary formula that the task of legislation is to create a constitutional state. Up until now even the name of the YDA - Young Democrats Alliance - was taboo in Hungary. When the organisers récéived police wamings the police report only mentioned "an attempt to establish an illegal organisation" without naming that organisation. Bút now on August 6th Magyar Nemzet published a long interview with Dr István Stumpf who works in the Social Science Institute of the Hungárián Socialist Workers Party’s Central Committee as a political scientist and who was commissioned to organise the Hungárián Youth National Council. He said that nobody has proved that the founders of the YDA have committed illegal acts, in reality all they did was to take their con­stitutional rights seriously. The freedom rights of the citizens are only "worth as much as that which they attain in the social political processes". Yesterday, August 8th, at 7 pm Dr Gábor Fodor spoke on the Hungárián Rádió programme "At First Hand". The young lawyer said that the YDA nőt only criticises higher education in its present form bút the whole political and economic system and that when it voices the demands of young people who have been marginalised it offers a critique of the official version of history and the present mode of politicisation. Interviews with YDA organisers were alsó conducted with the KISZ periodical (Young Communists League) and Hungárián Television and promises were made to publicise them. The state has nőt finalised the fate it has in mind fór the YDA bút mass média publications reveal that the political leadership may attempt to draw the YDA intő Hungárián Youth National Council which is to be formed in the near future. ■——^ Subscribers can use or quote the Hungárián October newsletters in totál or in detail as long as the source is acknowledged.

