Folia archeologica 43.

MATERIAL OF THE KISKEVÊLY CAVE 21 Pb. 826c: retouched flake. The raw material of the object is especially noteworthy. The raw material of the object inventorized as Pb. 411 by Hillebrand (Magdale­nian), of the piece Pb 486 determined by V. Gábori-Csánk as to be Jankovichian and of the object inventorized as a Middle Paleolithic is identical. Though refit­ting was naturally not successful, the accordance is obvious. Here we are experi­ence either uncertain stratigraphy (not to mention this extremely uncertain typo­logical classification) or perhaps the source of the raw material in question was available for an extremely long period. 108/914.30. flake with pebble crust with chopper-like manufacture 108/914.31. Typical tool manufactured by graded, conchoidal retouch 108/914.37. According to Vera Gábori-Csánk it is a segment scraper of Charentoid character with high, graded manufacture Pn. 57/54.1. From the items inventorized under a common number Vera Gábori­Csánk had separated a simple scraper with convex working edge. The number of Middle Paleolithic/Pebble Mousterian tools of the Kiskevély cave is 21. On the raw material of tools of the Kiskevély cave Pebble Mousterian used up pebbles from a most probably nearby secondary so­urce not yet identified. These quartzite and flint pebbles are not bigger than 10 cm. They are manufactured by the traditional pebble working technique. According to Vera Gábori-Csánk it is the surprisingly uniform raw material se­lection which is one of the specific features of Jankovichian culture. The reddish, red­dish-brown radiolarite originated from the Gerecse-Dorog region is characteristic of 81 per cent of the industry, though just at the Kiskevély cave this ratio is a bit lower. 7 The brown radiolarite with the greenish "marbly" pattern of Upper Paleo­lithic tools may originate from the region of the White Carpathians. 2 8 We have to emphasize the significane of Szeleta glassy quartzporphyry which is a raw material obtained from a long distance. Both this material and the brown radio­larite with the greenish "marbly" pattern are frequent at the Upper Paleolithic sites of the Danube Bend area. The raw material of the tool Inv. No. Pb. 827 found in the Middle Paleolithic le­vel is unknown in the neighbourhood of the site: it is a material of very high quality. It is as fine as carnelian, its colour is brown-pink, with cloud-like patterns, homoge­neous with high manganese content and black nodule crust. II. BIRD AND MAMMAL FAUNAL REVISION OF KISKEVÉLY CAVE Paleontological finds were collected from the Kiskevély cave at five occassions during surface surveys and excavations. The first written record on the Kiskevély cave and on its cave bear remains was published as early as in 1871. 2 9 2 7 Gábori-Csánk, Vera, 1986. 188. 2 8 Gábori-Csánk, V. im. 188. 2 9 Koch 1871,103-104.

