Folia archeologica 43.
22 VIOLA T. DOBOSI - ISTVÁN VÖRÖS As for the Paleontological remains of Hillebrand's 1912 excavations only a "fauna list" was published; those of the 1948 INQUA excavation and of the 1957 check excavation made by L. Vértes were not studied neither published, except an os phalangis III. of Asinus hydruntinus Reg^ The paleomammal assemblage of tne old (1912-13) excavation was completed by only one species, that is by the "guide fossil" Asinus hydruntinus Reg. which came to light in 1948, though the age and layer were denoted inaccurately. 3 Perhaps that is why during attempts made to determine archeological finds chronologically, finds from different places and from different layers were correlated with each other. 1. "Odvas" cave of the Kis Kevély Hill Collected by A. Koch 1868. A. Koch collected 9 cave hear remains from the pit of "treasurehunters" at the end of the "lower storey" of the cave. These finds had become the first items of the Paleovertebrate Collection of the Hungarian Royal Geological Institute established in 1869 (MKFI, today MÁFI, Inv. Nos. Ob 1-6). The description of bones according to A. Koch is the following: 3 3 1. Upper right side canine with jaw fragment (Inv. No. MÁFI Ob 1) 2. Fragment of an upper right side jaw with places of roots of some molars (Inv. No. MÁFI Ob 2) 3. Next to the last molar of an upper right side jaw and fragment of the crown of a lower canine 4. Metacarpal bone of a right side little finger (me V. dext. Inv. No. MÁFI Ob 5) 5. Metatarsal bone of the smallest right side finger (mt I. dext., Inv. No. MÁFI Ob 6) 6. fragment of a right side half of a pubic bone 7. fragment of a left side hip-bone with part of the glenoid cavity (pelvis sin. fr. Inv. No. Ob 4) 8. skull bone fragments (os zygomaticum dext., Inv. No. MÁFI Ob 3) According to A. Koch the larger cave hear bones were smashed by tourists. At the end of the cave Ursus finds may originated most probably from layer 4/3 (Fig. 7., Table 1.). 2. "Kiskevêly" cave at Csohdnka Excavated by J. Hillebrand 1912 Remains Ursus spelaeus - 783 pieces 606 di(dc)dp sup. et inf., 58 I sup. et inf., 18 dc, 9 C, 30 С fr. (29 so-called "Kiskevêly type tooth blades" MNM. Figs. 9-10., 2 P sup., M sup., praemaxilla sin. fr., P 4 dext., 2 M, dext., M 2 sin. et 2 dext., M 3 sin. et dext., 2 corpus mandibulae sin. fr. (inf.-adult), 12 carpus/tarsus, metacarpus I. sin., me II. dext., 2 mc III. dext., me IV. 2 sin. et 1 dext., 2 mc V. dext., tibia diaph. (neonatus), tibia dext., 2 astragalus dext., calcaneus sin., metatarsus I. sin., mt III. sin., mt II. dext., mt V. dext., 8 os phalangis I. ant., et 5 post., 2 os phalangis II., os phalangis III., sesamoideum dist. 3 0 Hillebrand 1913b, 155-156.; Mottl 1941, 11., 16. It was this fauna list which was taken up by Vértes L. (Vértes 1965,312.). 3 1 Bökönyi 1954,18. Abb. 4. 3 2 Vértes 1965,312. 3 3 Koch 1871, 104.