Fogorvosi szemle, 2022 (115. évfolyam, 1. szám)

2022-03-01 / 1. szám

FOGORVOSI SZEMLE 115. évf. 1. sz. 2022. n 10 MATEKOVITS GY, SZÉKELY M Trilingual dental dictionary After receiving their diploma, dental students who have completed their studies in their mother language have to face all upcoming challenges – resident, specialist, and chief physician exams – in Romanian language. Young graduates are unfamiliar with a number of technical terms, which were used during the practical activities; hence, they use mirror translation that often results in meaningless, and sometimes even humorous, sentences. To solve this embarrassing situation, we have prepared the first trilingual Hungarian – Romanian – English dictionary of dentistry, which consists of 13 550 headings. Our dictionary was published by the Scientia Publisher in Cluj-Napoca in 2003. It has been reissued three times thus far, and more than a thousand copies have been sold not only to Hungarian dental students, but also to residents complet ing their studies in Romanian and English language. Books have their own destinies. Keywords: dental dictionary, specialist information in three languages, Transylvanian Hungarian Dental Higher Education

