Fogorvosi szemle, 2019 (112. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)

2019-03-01 / 1. szám

23 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE ■ 112. évf. 1. sz. 2019. 20. Le Guehennec L, Soueidan A, Layrolle P, Amouriq Y: Surface treatments of titanium dental implants for rapid osseointegration. Dent Mater. 2007; 23: 844-855. 21. Marin C, Granato R, Suzuki M, Gil JN, Janal MN, Coelho, PG: Histomorphologic and histomorphometric evaluation of various endosseous implant healing chamber configurations at early im­plantation times: a study in dogs. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2010; 21: 577-583. 22. Mendonc G, Mendonc DBS, Aragao FJL, Cooper LF: Advancing dental implant surface technology - from micron - to nanotopog­raphy. Biomaterials, 2008; 29: 3822-3835. 23. Minamikawa H, et al.: Photofunctionalization increases the bio­activity and osteoconductivity of the titanium alloy TÍ6AI4V. J Bi­­omedRes. 2014; 102: 3618-3630. 24. Nagy P, Joób-FÁ, Schindler Á, Pammer D, Bognár E: Fogászati im­­plantátumok felületkezelése. Biomechanica Hungarica, 2014: 42-49. 25. Nagy R, Szűcs A, Ruszin T, Joób FÁ: A rheumatoid arthritis a száj­sebészet és implantológiai ellátásban a szakirodalom alapján. Fogorvosi szemle, 2017; 110: 3-6. 26. Rigolin MSM, de Avila ED, Basso FG, Hebung J, de S Costa CA, Mollo Junior FA: Effect of different implant abutment surfaces on OBA-09 epithelial cell adhesion. Microsc Res Tech. 2017; 80: 1304-1309. 27. Salou L, Hoornaert A, Stanovici J, Briand S, Louarn G, Layrolle P: Comparative bone tissue integration of nanostructured and mi­­croroughened dental implants. Nanomedicine, 2015; 10: 741-751. 28. Schenk RK, Buser D: Osseointegration: a reality. Periodontot. 1998; 17: 22-35. 29. Schwartz Z, Nasazky E, Boyan BD: Surface microtopography reg­ulates osteointegration: the role of implant surface microtopogra­phy in osteointegration. Alpha Omegán. 2005; 98: 9-19. 30. Sebők B, Kiss G., Szabó P J., Rigler D, Molnár ML, Dobos G, Réti F, Szőcs H, Joób-FÁ, Bogdán S, Szabó György: SEM and EDS in-vetigation of a pyrolytic carbon covered C/C composite maxillofa­cial implant retrieved from the human body after 8 years. J Mater Sei Mater Med. 2013; 24: 821-828. 31. Shibata Y, Tanimoto Y: A review of improved fixation methods for dental implants-part I: surface optimization for rapid osseointe­gration. J Prosthodont Res. 2015; 59: 20-33. 32. Smeets A, Henningsen A, Jung O, Heiland M, Hammacher C, Stein JM: Definition, etiology, prevention and treatment of peri-implan­­titis - a review. Head Face Med. 2014; 10: 34-47. 33. Sul YT, Byon E, Wennerberg A: Surface characteristics of electro­­chemically oxidized implants and acid-etched implants: surface chemistry, morphology, pore configurations, oxide thickness, crystal structure, and roughness. Int Journal Oral Maxillofac Im­plants. 2008; 23: 631-640. 34. Webster TJ, Ejiofor, JU: Increased osteoblast adhesion on nan­­ophasemetals: Ti, TÍ6AI4V, and CoCrMo. Biomaterials, 2004; 25: 4731-4739. 35. Weszl M, Tóth K L, Kientzl I, Nagy P, Pammer D, Pelyhe L, Vrana Nihal E, Scharnweber D, Wolf-Brandstetter C, Joób-Fancsaly Á, Bognár E: Investigation of the mechanical and chemical char­acteristics of nanotubular and nano-pitted anodic films on grade 2 titanium dental implant materials. Mater Sei Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2017; 78: 69-78. 36. Wilmowsky C, Moest T, Nkenke E, Stelzle F, Schlegel KA: Im­plants in bone - part II: research on implant osseointegration - material testing, mechanical testing, imaging and histoanalytical methods. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014; 18: 355-372. 37. Zöllner A, Ganeles J, Korostoff J, Guerra F, Krafft T, Bragger U: Immediate and early non-occlusal loading of Straumann implants with a chemically modified surface (SLActive) in the posterior mandible and maxilla: Interim results from a prospective mul­ticenter randomized-controlled study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2008; 19: 442-450. Koppány F The influence of the surface morphology of dental implants on bone integration Summary Report Surface morphology of dental implants is one of the Bränemark osseointegration conditions formulated in the eighties. In the past couple of decades - as in many other areas within oral implantology - significant changes have taken place. It is perhaps the most intensive area in the field of basic research, according to the Internet search portals, there are at least one or two new scientific papers a day on this topic. Domestic research is also significant. In a number of sci­entific workshops several research projects are running in cooperation with experts from the industry and technology. There are countless publications, lectures, and Ph D. works from the study material on the surface of the implants. The author’s aim was to summarize the past and present of the subject and point out the lines of future research. Keywords: surface morphology, osseointegration, surface modification

